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How is wd_DqPayload defined? If it's a DS, is it possible that even though
you're using LIKE rather than LIKEDS on the PR/PI, the RPG compiler knows
it's a DS?

What happens if you move the caller's wd_DqPayload into a string (of the
same size) prior to calling the procedure? I'm not saying that's a viable
solution, but if you no longer get a CEEDOD error, then this would imply
that it wasn't being treated as a string when it was passed.


On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 8:13 AM, David Gibbs <david@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

OK, I'm kind of at wits end here.

I've used operational descriptors before in procedures and never had a

Now, however, it's giving me grief.

My prototype is this:

Dprocname PR opdesc
D pListId like(wd_ListId) const
D pData like(wd_DqPayload) const
D options(*varsize)

My procedure is defined like this:

Pprocname B export
D PI opdesc
D pListId like(wd_ListId) const
D pData like(wd_DqPayload) const
D options(*varsize)

I'm invoking CEEDOD like this:


But when this call is made, I get a CEE0502 error and it references
procedure CEEDOD in the message text.

When the call is made, I am passing in a data structure as the 2nd parm. I
want to determine the total length of the structure so I can trim off any
excess data in the pData field.

Any thoughts?



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