× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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Jonathan Ball wrote:
David Foxwell wrote:
We need the system name in a program so we've been using
QWCRSSTS. Apparently, on rare occasions, we are getting
blanks in the name, with no error. I've been told to QWCRSSTS
replace with RTVNETA. I don't see the point in using QWCRNETA
so I was just going to create a CL module that does RTVNETA.

Dennis Lovelady wrote:
This sounds like the problem-solving approach that dominates an
operating system from Macrosloth: "If it doesn't seem to work,
then stop using it and use some other tool." Not cool, David,
and I think you know that! If there is a problem with QWCRSSTS
(doubt that, by the way, but...) then report it!

I've encountered the same problem. I think it's real. The users
(IT developers; I'm an administrator) insist the application was
working correctly up to a week or so ago. That's about the time
that IBM (we've outsourced our System i administration to them)
put the latest PTFs on the partition where we're encountering the


I changed a copy of the application program we have that is getting the blank system name using QWCRSSTS to use QWCRNETA, and
the latter works consistently. Not only that, the call is much

Since changing to use the alternate API no longer saw a problem, and the problem with the original API apparently began only after a PTF application, then there is a relatively easy method to determine if the problem might be with the API [or some OS program that the API calls]. If reverting to the prior implementation verifies the problem returns, and then removing the latest PTF change for the API [and\or its called program; whatever is responsible for getting the system name] makes the problem go away [much like when no longer using that API], then very possibly the removed PTF has the code with the defect. The first to check would be the PTF identifier for from the DSPOBJD QWCRSSTS *PGM *SERVICE; verify the PTF id shown was one which was applied with those applied before the problem started. Such a test provides anecdotal evidence of the likelihood that the OS code is broken, and reported as such to your service provider.

Regards, Chuck

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