Hi Jim,
This is an XML file that I am getting via the httpapi via http_url_post
function [Thanks Scott!], in an RPG program. The program I'm trying to
replace is a Delphi program that took a block of data and did a replace
in each block of data with some Delphi function that would replace "<"
with 'CRLF' +"<" so that it could be later copied into a fix length
record format to process on the iSeries. (the xml is all one long
string, yuck!)
Firstly, does it matter that the xml is one long string? Surely it is being processed by a program and the program wont care. If you want it formatted for you to read - open it with a browser, it will format it for humans to read. In fact they will provide a tree structure to make it really easy to read. Or maybe there are some side-effects of your process that are used in the fixed-length record format build. I say 'side-effects' because the process does more than 'format' the xml:
This brings me onto the second point:
We are talking xml. the '<' character is part of the xml markup language and is found EVERYWHERE in an xml file. The solution of replacing a '<' with a CRLF + '<' will put CRLF in places you may not expect.
Consider this simple document:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
http://some.dtd.url" >
<!-- This is a comment -->
In the 'yukky' state it would look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYP PUBLIC "
http://some.url" ><!-- This is a comment --><root><element1>Value1</element1><element2>Value1</element2><element3>Value1</element3></root>
Which is perfectly fine, if not pretty for humans to read.
Using the replace scenario above would make it look like this:
CRLF<?xml version="1.0" ?>CRLF<!DOCTYP PUBLIC "
CRLF<!-- This is a comment
Replacing CRLF with actual carriage returns and line feeds:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
http://some.dtd.url" >
<!-- This is a comment -->
The important point is to look at the values INSIDE the elements within the root element. they have a training CRLF in the data:
The close tag also starts with a '<' and will be replaced with CRLF + '<'. Thus you are putting whitespace into the data content of the elements. element1 now has a value of Value1CRLF.
This may, or may not, have an impact on your software (I'm guessing as the original Delphi program does this it is OK for you - the trailing CRLF may have been used for delimiting the data in the fixed-length record format: Who knows!). But we must be aware that this is not necessarily a 'good' solution for all instances and that this should be stated for the archive.
Good luck!
Larry Ducie
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