× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

IMO SQL injection is defined better as "to embed extra text", not "to embed extra statements". At least two examples of injection given on this list were DDL and\or dependent not only on a semicolon being interpreted as a statement separator, but also that the data following the semicolon would then be executed as an additional statement. That probably depends too heavily on the full string being parsed first and then prepared as multiple distinct statements, and that the variable is a long enough string to hold multiple statements; i.e. unlikely in typical programming, since most programs will not be implementing a statement processor.? Thus injection as I am aware, is almost never related to /additional/ statements, but to undesirable modifications to the intent of one dynamic statement which will be used in both PREPARE and EXECUTE.

So more likely the injection attack is going to enable DML beyond what is intended, even with only a short character string variable. So in the given case, if the user could compose the input noted as variable inFld2Value, then they will be presented with all data in the table irrespective of the attempt to effect an equivalence test on /fld2/, using the following quoted string: "'or 1=1" Such an example allows the variable to be a very short char(7) string, and without any requirement of the program to parse semicolon delimited statements. Change the given select statement to include an additional predicate fld1=USER ANDed prior to the predicate involving fld2 [i.e. obviously trying to limit the data visible to that specific USER]. That should make the negativity of the results for the injection of "' or 1=1" in the statement more obvious; i.e. user no longer limited to only data tagged as theirs, according to the value in fld1:
select * from XYZ where fld1=USER AND fld2=''or 1=1

Regards, Chuck

Brian Piotrowski wrote:
An injection attack occurs when you embed additional SQL commands
into an external SQL statement. Taking Charles' example, if you

wSQL = 'select * from XYZ where fld2 = ' + QUOTE + inFld2Value +

An injection attack could occur by adding additional commands
within the inFld2Value parameter. So if inFld2Value had a value
of "a';DROP TABLE users; select * from users where t='", it would
have the potential to not find anything in the first statement
and then attempt to drop a table named users and then attempt to
query the users table.

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