In summary, you need a good skeleton of a SQLRPGLE program that processes
a subfile, backwards and forwards.
And the other question is: Are you better off using multiple cursors (for
the different selection criteria) or using "prepared" statements? Dynamic
sql or not?
There are better 5250 programmers out there so I'll hope you get a good
template from them.
As far as the cursors go, study this:
Step 1: Build a rpg variable that has all this in it.
MySqlStmt =
Declare C1 cursor for
Select t1.col11,, t1.col13,,
from table1 t1
join table2 t2
on t1.col12 = t2.itskey
join table3 t3
on t1.col13 = t3.itskey
where between ? and ?
and between ? and ?
and between ? and ?
order by ...
Comment: The question marks are called "parameter markers". More on this
Step 2: Prepare a sql statement from this variable
exec sql Prepare Stmt1 from :MySqlStmt;
Step 3: Declare the cursor from the prepared statement.
exec sql Execute Stmt1;
Step 4: Open the cursor. Pass in variables into the parameter markers.
If you only want a single value for "t2.col2a" then pass the same variable
into the left and the right of the and.
exec sql Open c1 using :FromName, :ToName, :FromZip, :ToZip, :FromCity,
Then you do your fetches and whatnot.
Study also:
- Soundex
- like
Rob Berendt
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