× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Hi guys, gals,

We have been playing with the Integrated Web Service for i (w-03.ibm.com/systems/i/software/iws/index.html) and we have had some successes.


We have created a test service (from a RPG service program) which takes 2 input parms and returns a result. The service requires the input data to be sent as a complex type. Thus, the C stubs generated has the input data as a struct containing 2 pointers - each pointing to a long integer.

C Signature:

extern PR_MULTIPLY01Result* pr_multiply01(AXISCHANDLE pStub, PR_MULTIPLY01Input* Value0);

C Structure:

typedef struct PR_MULTIPLY01InputTag {

xsdc__decimal* _LP_INPNUM01;

xsdc__decimal* _LP_INPNUM02;



D TempInF DS

D pvalue1 * inz(%addr(value1))

D pValue2 * inz(%addr(value2))

// Initialize input values.

value1 = %dec(TEMP1:20:0);

value2 = %dec(TEMP2:20:0);

// Invoke the ConvertTemp Web service operation.

ResultP = pr_multiply01(WsStubP:%Addr(TempInF));

Could you please advise how best to pass my two 20i 0 values as the second parm to this procedure?

I currently have a DS containing 2 pointers (each pointing to a long int) and I pass the address of the DS. This does not work.

Any help would be most appreciated. Particularly if you have worked with complex types in a IWS client and have already cracked this one.


Larry Ducie

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