Hi, David:
This has to do with how the RPG compiler generated code resolves the
name of the program to call (whether RPG/400 or RPG IV).
When you hard-code a program name as a literal on the CALL statement (as
you have shown), the RPG compiler generates code to "resolve" the name
into a program pointer, just once, at program initialization time (think
of an internal *INZSR). This is done because the "resolve" is
relatively "expensive". Then, whenver the compiler "sees" a CALL to
that same hard-coded name in the source program, it can just use the
already resolved pointer to the program, so the CALL is much faster.
However, if you code something like this (in RPGLE):
c eval pgmNam = 'MyCLLE'
c call pgmNam
where pgmNam is a 10 character local variable, the compiler understands
that you want to do a full dynamic call, and does the resolve, and then
the call, in-line.
But, there is still one more "trick" to consider -- to try to further
improve the performance, the RPG generated code keeps track of the name
of the last program called in this way, so if the program name in that
variable did not change since the last time it was used, the compiler
will use the pointer to the program with that name, that it has already
resolved. You can "fool" the compiler, in this situation, by making
sure that you use the same "pgmNam" variable and do a full dynamic call
for both 'myCLP' and 'myCLLE'. This way, whenever you call MYCLP (which
changes the library list), the next time you call MYCLLE, the compiler
checks the last value used for "pgmNam" and sees that it is no longer
the same as "MYCLP" and so it will then re-resolve the address of
MYCLLE, and you should get the behavior you desire.
Another way to avoid this is to "library qualify" the call, as follows:
Declare a variable named QualPgm as character 20, with two fields,
pgmNam and pgmLib, defined as char 10, starting at position 1 and 11
respectively in the QualPgm "data structure". Fill in the pgmNam at
runtime, as we did previously, but also "plug in" the correct library
name in the pgmLib field (as it appears your program may already know
this library name, since your program is dynamically changing the
library list.)
Then, use the qualified name on the CALL, as follows:
c call qualPgm
I hope this explanation makes sense.
Mark S. Waterbury
> David FOXWELL wrote:
Hi all,
I'm hoping someone can help with this problem.
I have an RPGLE that calls a CLP :
C CALL 'MyCLP' // This does a CHGLIBL
C CALL 'MyCLLE' // MyCLLE exists in several libraries.
When I call MyCLLE a second time, it's the first instance of MyCLLE that is called, even if it is no longer in the library list.
How do I get my RPGLE to call the first object called MyCLLE in the library list after each CHGLIBL?
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