× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


If you specify USROPN on the F spec, as you would do a UC for the S/36 F
spec, you can OPEN and CLOSE as you want in the calculation specs of thr

Just a minor clarification on the above. You can use OPEN and CLOSE in a
program whether or not you use UsrOpn (or UC). The presense of UsrOpen or
UC just inhibits the automagic open of a file. The file will not get opened
until you explicitly do it. If you never do a CLOSE, the file will still
get closed if LR is on when the program exits. However, you must do an OPEN
before you can use the file.

Conversely, even without UsrOpen or UC, you can still explicitly CLOSE a
file and then OPEN it again. So in the case of wanting to close spool
files, you don't need the UsrOpen. Just let the file get implicitly opened
when the program loads, and implicitly closed when the program ends. But
when you want to start a new spool file you can perform a CLOSE followed by
an OPEN.

The real benefit of UsrOpn is to defer the initial open. Some typical
reasons for doing this are:

- To perform an OVRDBF or OVRPRTF prior to opening the file
- To enable trapping of errors on a file open and handle them under your
own control


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