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Jerry Adams wrote:
What I would like to do is use the EXTIND(*INUx) keyword to condition
the two files; one as IPE the other as ISE. The CL that drives this
would set the appropriate switch. What I am not sure about is
whether or not this is permissible; can't recall ever doing this in
even RPG II, and the manual didn't answer the question. I can simply
make the changes and see what happens, but I thought if anyone knew
that this won't fly it was save me some time.

Jerry, that should work to use EXTIND on both files. What question were you looking for an answer to? Are you wondering about the different record length for the primary and secondary files, or are you wondering about using EXTIND on the primary file?

There aren't any rules about the record length of the primary and secondary files having to be the same. Even if you use matching records, it's only the field lengths that matter.

And I don't think there are any rules on what type of file you can use EXTIND with.

(Just as an aside, I find the whole EXTIND thing a bit creepy. I would hate to maintain a program that used EXTIND.)

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