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Hi Lance,

AWK is younger than RPG, but still not very new... It's more than 30 years old, itself. Indeed, most of the traditional Unix scripting tools (awk, sed, grep, cut, etc) work on this same basis of reading a record form a file, then running some code against it, then reading the next record, etc.

Despite this similarity, I'd never say that working in awk (or sed, grep, cut, etc) is anything like working in RPG. AWK is a very high level language, the things it does well can be done with very little code. The things it doesn't do well, simply can't be done by awk.

Contrast that to RPG... it may require a little more code to do the basic things, however, it's capable of just about anything.

Also the somewhat arcane syntax of languages like awk and sed gets on my nerves for anything that's more than a few lines of code. Half of the language is remembering what all of the different punctuation symbols do. Blech.

Lance Gillespie wrote:
I was expanding my programming horizons over the
weekend and ran across this article about awk at

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