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The problem you are having is that you are attempting to reference a locally defined field in your SQL statement.
The SQL precompiler does not recognize locally defined fields, only global values.

Jeff Young
Sr. Programmer Analyst
IBM -e(logo) server Certified Systems Exper - iSeries Technical Solutions V5R2
IBM Certified Specialist- e(logo) server i5Series Technical Solutions Designer V5R3
IBM Certified Specialist- e(logo)server i5Series Technical Solutions Implementer V5R3

----- Original Message ----
From: "RNewton@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <RNewton@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Friday, December 7, 2007 12:10:32 PM
Subject: SQL Precompiler Woes

Hi all,

I am having an issue compiling my module with embedded SQL inside of
procedures that reference the incoming parameter of the procedure defined
as a likeds that points to an externally described datastructure based on a
null pointer.

Confused? Ya me too, let me explain...

BTW: This is on V5R4

The procedure accepts a data structure externally described as a physical
file as its only parameter. Since I cannot do an "e ds extname" in a
prototype or parameter interface definition, you must do it as a seperate d
spec then do a likeds() on your parameter definition. However when I do
this the SQL precompiler gives messages that the subfields of the parameter
that I am referencing are not defined or not usable.

I know of the problem in the precompiler having to do with scoping (it does
not see scope at all), but this doesn't appear to be related to that. When
I look at the compile listing I see that the externally described
datastructure is being defined. Here is a snippet:


If it's defined in pr_rec according to whats above, then why does it also
say that it is not defined or usable?

SQL0312 30 103 Position 39 Variable FIELD1 not defined or not usable.
SQL0312 30 104 Position 39 Variable FIELD2 not defined or not usable
SQL0312 30 105 Position 39 Variable FIELD3 not defined or not usable.

I have pasted in a simplified version of the module that illustrates my
issue. If anyone can offer any insight into this, I would greatly
appreciate it.

Here is a generalized version of the module source:

/if Not Defined (CpyMyModule)

* Program name: MyModule
* Program objective:
* Creation date: 12/07/2007
* Created by: RNewton
* Project #: 0000
* Project Desc:
* Procedures:
* Class_WriteToFile
* Programming Notes:
* Errors:

* Modifications

* Mod Date...........:
* Mod By.............:
* Project #..........:
* Mod Tag............:
* Mod Description....:


/if Defined (CpyMyModule)
// Structs
d myds e ds extname(MYFILE) based(struct)

// Public Procedures
d Class_WriteToFile...
d pr 30s 0
d pr_rec likeds(myds)


// hSpecs
h nomain Option(*NoDebugIO : *SrcStmt : *ShowCpy : *xRef)

// Files To Use
// *NONE

/Define CpyMyModule
/include *libl/qrpglesrc,MyModule

// Define Global Constants
d true c *on
d false c *off

// Define Global Vars
d programStatus...
d esds extname(pgmesdslng)



* Name : ClassName_WriteToFile
* Description : Write a record into the MYFILE table
* Argument(s) : Externally described as MYFILE
* Return value : The primary key auto incremented by the database
* Usage : value = ClassName_WriteToFile(myLocalFile_ds);

p Class_WriteToFile...
p b export

// Procedure Interface
d Class_WriteToFile...
d pi 30s 0
d pr_rec likeds(myds)

// Define Local Vars
d AutoIncValue s 30s 0

exec sql
insert into MYFILE

exec sql
values IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL() into :AutoIncValue;

return AutoIncValue;

p Class_WriteToFile...
p e


Robert Newton
Electronic Data Processing Services
Software Engineer

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