THarteau@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I created modules.
I created a binding directory.
I bound them together into a service program. CRTSRVPGM
I have a binder language source
I have this as the header in my ILE program:
H Option(*srcstmt : *nodebugio)
/If Defined(*CRTBNDRPG)
H DftActGrp(*NO) ActGrp('qiqe')
I compile using option 14(Compile)
What is the correct sequence to create all this stuff? The above is my
best guess.
If I want to add another module to SRVINV, do I create the new module, add
it to the binding directory, recreate the service program, add to the top
of the binder language, then use it in the program?
Terri, there are two purposes for using binding directories. Any given
binding directory should ideally only be used for one of these two purposes.
1. To list the service programs that are used by programs or service
programs. This is the most common way that binding directories are used.
2. To list the modules necessary to create one program or program. This
is a less common way to use binding directories; it's ok to do this, but
if the binding directory is misused, it can lead to problems.
For your service program SRVINV, you only really need a binding
directory that simply lists SRVINV *SRVPGM. You specify this binding
directory on your H spec BNDDIR for programs that want to _use_ this
service program.
If you want, you could also have a different binding directory that
lists the _modules_ necessary to create SRVINV. You would not code that
binding directory on any H spec. You would use it in your CRTSRVPGM
command. But you could just list the modules directly in the MODULE
parameter of your CRTSRVPGM command, especially if you have a CL program
that builds it. This is the binding directory you would add your new
modules to.
_A rule of thumb_: Any binding directory containing modules should be
used to create only one object.
If you use a binding directory containing modules to create more than
one object, you will have the situation where you have a module that is
part of more than one object. That is considered to be A Bad Thing; it
makes it hard to change the module because you have to rebind all the
programs it was bound to.
Here's how I think your process should have looked.
1. I created modules.
2. I created a binding directory.
moved 3. I created a binder language source.
4. I bound them together into a service program.
added 5. I added the service program to the binding directory
6. I have this as the header in my ILE program:
H Option(*srcstmt : *nodebugio)
/If Defined(*CRTBNDRPG)
change2 H DftActGrp(*NO) ActGrp('QIQE')
7. I compile using option 14(Compile)
_change1_: The CRTSRVPGM command is changed to not have the BNDDIR
keyword, and to have the SRCFILE and SRCMBR keywords (to pick up the
binder language source).
_change2_: The ActGrp keyword is changed to use upper case for the
activation group (for historical reasons, the compiler allows 'qiqe',
but it is not a good idea to use lower case for the activation group name).
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