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Hi Chris,

The place I used to work for used carbonlless paper in a laser printer,
drivers liked it as they only had to sign once--we moved away from
pre-printed forms. The laser printer actually had to print all 4 (or
whatever number was required) copies. An issue you may run into with
this, is that the paper is sold in such a way that you buy 2-part or
4-part, etc. Of course you could always do the 4-part and throw away
unneeded copes. If you want, I can try and find out more info.

subject: Printing the Bar code on 3-part invoices using RPG and a
printer other than a dot matrics?
Anyone doing this?

I know that we can use a dot matrics printer to do this, but am
wondering if there are any other solutions out there? We have to have
(min-2, max-4) copies and when we change one, the change must be
reflected on the copies (in the field/manual changes). I did not know
if there was a carbonless paper that you could use in a laser printer or
some other method that I am not aware of...

Thank you,
- Jim

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