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Cassidy, Alan wrote:
7. RE: Chalk one up for "The Cycle" (Cassidy, Alan)

I am myself moving to do all my new file stuff in SQL now, just because IMO IBM is going to expand on SQL for database use, not on DDS, they've said so, therefore it's the curve of time coming this way. But even there, I find myself often "emulating" the cycle when it's a report with totals and all that...

Yeah, "emulating" a native facility of a different language...

I regularly see questions posted in database/SQL forums of the form "How do I <do x> in SQL?" The _real_ answer should usually be "You don't. You should write a program instead." But so often the eventual answer is some abomination of an incomprehensible SQL statement that verges on grounds for dismissal.

The time and effort taken by multiple people to work through the problem and post suggestions would be far better spent by simply writing a 30-line Cycle program (or whatever form of whatever language).

Ah, well. Even so, I do in SQL most such things as James did in RPG.

Tom Liotta

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