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prefix with a lowercase "g".  I would challenge the use of 99% of
globals however. parms and control block type structs passed by ref
are better. Other than RRN and *IN what else does RPG force to be used
globally? ( just because RPG allows pgm main variables to be used
globally doesnt mean you should use them that way! )

I agree 100% there. I put nothing in global except what I must but it is
hard to break old habits. You explain and explain why you should not put
variables in a global section unless you must but people still do it. 

SQL drives me nuts because even if I define the SQL statements in a
procedure, it still creates a data structure for every SQL statement in
global memory along with a header repeated for each statement. 

If the SQL statement is defined in a procedure and the only purpose of
the data structure is to communicate the data to the SQL runtime, why
does the data structure have to be defined in the global memory and I
must have a unique name for each data structure I define for fetch or

When is SQL going to grow up and stop being a RPG III pre-compiler? Has
anything got better in V5R4?

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