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Indicators should only be used when it makes a program easier to read. Since
I'm the only programmer my company has had for 18 years I find it's best for
programs to be quick and easy to read. Otherwise I'd fall behind on projects
just doing research.

I try to limit indicator usage to subfiles and the cycle (such as level
breaks). It depends on the program. If it's a report I won't hesitate to use
level breaks because it's quick, easy, and uses the cycle. But if it's a
complex program and the need is there I won't hesitate to work around the
cycle and code within if it makes the program easier read and manage in the

No matter what indicators should be clearly labeled in the beginning of the
program. I can't remember the last time I used more than 5 indicators in a
single program. The need just isn't there like it used to be. 


message: 8
date: Fri, 08 Dec 2006 19:08:02 -0600
from: David Gibbs <david@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Does anyone use indicators anymore?

With the exception of display (and maybe printer) files, is there any good
reason to use indicators anymore?

This is just idle curiosity ... I was chatting with a friend the other day
and was trying to figure out if there was any modern RPG mechanisms that
still required indicators (*INnn type).

FWIW: I do define indicator variables ... but I consider those to be more
boolean types than indicator types.


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