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The only other way I have seen it done is by a "/if
defined(TheFollowingIsCommentedOut) and /Endif" statements.  Is there
another way to do it?

I don't understand why you wouldn't want to use that technique. It accomplishes the same thing as /* and */, in a very simple, efficient manner.

Sure, you could use the editor's capability to insert "//" in front of every line of code -- that's not hard to do -- but it's a pain when it comes time to re-enable the code. with IF DEFINED it can be easily enabled/disabled.

For example, do something like this:

   /if defined(EXPERIMENTAL_CODE)

   ... all of "commented out" code is here


Assuming that "EXPERIMENTAL_CODE" isn't defined, the code will be ignored by the compiler, and therefore won't be compiled into the program.

If you like, you can even enable it on a per-compile basis by doing this:


You can create any "if defined" condition name that you like. I often have programs like "/if defined(EXCLUDE_THIS_CODE)" to make it clear that I intended to disable the code so that the next guy won't be confused about whether to enable/disable the define condition.

Of course, it's also easy to simply delete the /IF and /ENDIF lines if you want to re-enable it permanently.

What is it about this technique that you don't like?

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