I need to write a socket program that will receive data from a probe when a button is pressed and save the information in an AS400 db2 database. I've created a program that creates the socket, binds, listens then translates the data. The problem is that I don't receive consistant data from the buffer. Should I be using a UDP server to acheive the desired results? Here is the current program; any help would be appreciated. I used one of Scott Klement's examples. 400 H DFTACTGRP(*NO) ACTGRP(*NEW) 07/10/01 1500 Ffmeltmst if a e k disk 04/21/06 1600 Ffmelterr if a e k disk 04/28/06 1700 07/10/01 1800 D Open_Session pr 05/20/05 1900 D End_Session pr 05/20/05 2000 D DsplyLine pr 05/20/05 2100 D Talk pr 05/20/05 2200 05/20/05 2300 D getservbyname PR * ExtProc('getservbyname') 07/10/01 2400 D service_name * value options(*string) 07/10/01 2500 D protocol_name * value options(*string) 07/10/01 2600 07/10/01 2700 D p_servent S * 07/10/01 2800 D servent DS based(p_servent) 07/10/01 2900 D s_name * 07/10/01 3000 D s_aliases * 07/10/01 3100 D s_port 10I 0 07/10/01 3200 D s_proto * 07/10/01 3300 07/10/01 3400 D inet_addr PR 10U 0 ExtProc('inet_addr') 07/10/01 3500 D address_str * value options(*string) 07/10/01 3600 07/10/01 3700 D INADDR_NONE C CONST(4294967295) 07/10/01 3800 07/10/01 3900 D inet_ntoa PR * ExtProc('inet_ntoa') 07/10/01 4000 D internet_addr 10U 0 value 07/10/01 4100 07/10/01 4200 D p_hostent S * 07/10/01 4300 D hostent DS Based(p_hostent) 07/10/01 4400 D h_name * 07/10/01 4500 D h_aliases * 07/10/01 4600 D h_addrtype 10I 0 07/10/01 4700 D h_length 10I 0 07/10/01 4800 D h_addr_list * 07/10/01 4900 D p_h_addr S * Based(h_addr_list) 07/10/01 5000 D h_addr S 10U 0 Based(p_h_addr) 07/10/01 5100 07/10/01 5200 D gethostbyname PR * extproc('gethostbyname') 07/10/01 5300 D host_name * value options(*string) 07/10/01 5400 07/10/01 5500 D socket PR 10I 0 ExtProc('socket') 07/09/01 5600 D addr_family 10I 0 value 07/09/01 5700 D type 10I 0 value 07/09/01 5800 D protocol 10I 0 value 07/09/01 5900 07/09/01 6000 D SOCK_SEQPACKET C CONST(5) 05/20/05 6100 D AF_INET C CONST(2) 07/09/01 6200 D SOCK_STREAM C CONST(1) 07/09/01 6300 D IPPROTO_IP C CONST(0) 07/09/01 6400 07/09/01 6500 D connect PR 10I 0 ExtProc('connect') 07/09/01 6600 D sock_desc 10I 0 value 07/09/01 5722WDS V5R3M0 030905 SEU PARTIAL SOURCE LISTING 05/04/06 12:11:35 NEWPORT PAGE 2 SOURCE FILE . . . . . . . SRCOBJ/QRPGLESRC MEMBER . . . . . . . . . FMELT0 SEQNBR*...+... 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8 ...+... 9 ...+... 0 6700 D dest_addr * value 07/09/01 6800 D addr_len 10I 0 value 07/09/01 6900 07/09/01 7000 D p_sockaddr S * 07/09/01 7100 D sockaddr DS based(p_sockaddr) 07/09/01 7200 D sa_family 5I 0 07/09/01 7300 D sa_data 14A 07/09/01 7400 D sockaddr_in DS based(p_sockaddr) 07/09/01 7500 D sin_family 5I 0 07/09/01 7600 D sin_port 5U 0 07/09/01 7700 D sin_addr 10U 0 07/09/01 7800 D sin_zero 8A 07/09/01 7900 07/10/01 8000 D send PR 10I 0 ExtProc('send') 07/10/01 8100 D sock_desc 10I 0 value 07/10/01 8200 D buffer * value 07/10/01 8300 D buffer_len 10I 0 value 07/10/01 8400 D flags 10I 0 value 07/10/01 8500 07/10/01 8600 D recv PR 10I 0 ExtProc('recv') 07/10/01 8700 D sock_desc 10I 0 value 07/10/01 8800 D buffer * value 07/10/01 8900 D buffer_len 10I 0 value 07/10/01 9000 D flags 10I 0 value 07/10/01 9100 07/10/01 9200 D close PR 10I 0 ExtProc('close') 07/10/01 9300 D sock_desc 10I 0 value 07/10/01 9400 07/10/01 9500 D translate PR ExtPgm('QDCXLATE') 07/10/01 9600 D length 5P 0 const 07/10/01 9700 D data 32766A options(*varsize) 07/10/01 9800 D table 10A const 07/10/01 9900 07/10/01 10000 D msg S 50A 05/03/06 10100 D sock S 10I 0 07/10/01 10200 D port S 5U 0 07/10/01 10300 D addrlen S 10I 0 07/10/01 10400 D ch S 1A 07/10/01 10500 D host s 32A 07/10/01 10600 D file s 32A 07/10/01 10700 D IP s 10U 0 07/10/01 10800 D p_Connto S * 07/10/01 10900 D RC S 10I 0 07/10/01 11000 D Request S 94A 04/28/06 11100 D ReqLen S 10I 0 07/10/01 11200 D RecBuf S 91A 05/02/06 11300 D RecLen S 10I 0 07/10/01 11400 07/10/01 11500 D cnt s 1 0 04/28/06 11600 D cr s 1 inz(X'0D') 04/28/06 11700 D esc s 1 inz(X'27') 04/28/06 11800 D end s 1 0 05/19/05 11900 D i s 3s 0 04/28/06 5722WDS V5R3M0 030905 SEU PARTIAL SOURCE LISTING 05/04/06 12:11:35 NEWPORT PAGE 3 SOURCE FILE . . . . . . . SRCOBJ/QRPGLESRC MEMBER . . . . . . . . . FMELT0 SEQNBR*...+... 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8 ...+... 9 ...+... 0 12000 D wwerr s n 04/28/06 12100 D wwdesc s 91a 04/28/06 12200 D wwlen s 4s 0 04/28/06 12300 D wwtest s 3s 0 04/28/06 12400 D wwtotal s 10I 0 07/15/05 12500 D WWCMDSTR C CONST('ALCOBJ OBJ((MELT_0 *DTAARA - 05/04/06 12600 D *EXCL)) WAIT(0)') 05/04/06 12700 D WCMDLNGTH S 15 5 INZ(80) 05/04/06 12800 D wwcmdstr1 s 80a 05/04/06 12900 C************************************************* 07/10/01 13000 C* The user will supply a hostname and file 07/10/01 13100 C* name as parameters to our program... 07/10/01 13200 C************************************************* 07/10/01 13300 c eval wwcmdstr1 = wwcmdstr 05/04/06 13400 C CALL 'QCMDEXC' 05/04/06 13500 C PARM WWCMDSTR1 05/04/06 13600 C PARM WCMDLNGTH 05/04/06 13700 C callp Open_Session 05/02/06 13800 C callp Talk 05/20/05 13900 C callp End_Session 05/02/06 14000 05/13/05 14100 07/10/01 14200 ******************************************************************* 05/20/05 14300 * Procedure to Close socket 05/20/05 14400 * Input parms: none 05/20/05 14500 * Return value: none 05/20/05 14600 ******************************************************************* 05/20/05 14700 C************************************************* 05/20/05 14800 C* We're done, so close the socket. 05/20/05 14900 C* do a dsply with input to pause the display 05/20/05 15000 C* and then end the program 05/20/05 15100 C************************************************* 05/20/05 15200 P End_Session b 05/20/05 15300 D End_Session pi 05/20/05 15400 c callp close(sock) 04/28/06 15500 c eval *inlr = *on 05/03/06 15600 c return 05/03/06 15700 P End_Session e 05/20/05 15800 ******************************************************************* 05/20/05 15900 * Procedure to Connect to socket 05/20/05 16000 * Input parms: none 05/20/05 16100 * Return value: none 05/20/05 16200 ******************************************************************* 05/20/05 16300 P Open_Session b 05/20/05 16400 D Open_Session pi 05/20/05 16500 C************************************************* 07/10/01 16600 C* what port is the service located on? 04/28/06 16700 C************************************************* 07/10/01 16800 C monitor 08/04/05 16900 C eval port = %dec(2000:5:0) 04/21/06 17000 C on-error *all 08/04/05 17100 c eval p_servent = getservbyname('MELTING0' 04/21/06 17200 c :'tcp') 04/21/06 5722WDS V5R3M0 030905 SEU PARTIAL SOURCE LISTING 05/04/06 12:11:35 NEWPORT PAGE 4 SOURCE FILE . . . . . . . SRCOBJ/QRPGLESRC MEMBER . . . . . . . . . FMELT0 SEQNBR*...+... 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8 ...+... 9 ...+... 0 17300 c if p_servent = *NULL 08/04/05 17400 c callp End_Session 04/21/06 17500 c return 07/19/05 17600 C endif 07/19/05 17700 07/10/01 17800 c eval port = s_port 07/19/05 17900 C endmon 08/04/05 18000 07/10/01 18100 C************************************************* 07/10/01 18200 C* Get the 32-bit network IP address for the host 07/10/01 18300 C* that was supplied by the user: 07/10/01 18400 C************************************************* 07/10/01 18500 c eval IP = inet_addr('MELTING0') 04/21/06 18600 c if IP = INADDR_NONE 07/18/05 18700 c eval p_hostent = gethostbyname('MELTING0') 04/21/06 18800 c if p_hostent = *NULL 07/18/05 18900 c eval fedesc= 'Unable to find that host!' 04/28/06 19000 c eval fmdate = %date() 04/21/06 19100 c eval fmtime = %time() 04/21/06 19200 c write rfmelterr 04/28/06 19300 C eval *inlr = *on 05/02/06 19400 c return 07/18/05 19500 c endif 07/18/05 19600 c eval IP = h_addr 07/18/05 19700 c endif 07/18/05 19800 07/10/01 19900 C************************************************* 07/10/01 20000 C* Create a socket 07/10/01 20100 C************************************************* 07/10/01 20200 c eval sock = socket(AF_INET: SOCK_STREAM: 05/20/05 20300 c IPPROTO_IP) 07/10/01 20400 c if sock < 0 07/10/01 20500 c eval fedesc = %editc(sock:'X') + ' '+ 04/28/06 20600 c 'Error calling socket()!' 07/15/05 20700 c eval fedate = %date() 04/28/06 20800 c eval fetime = %time() 04/28/06 20900 c write rfmelterr 04/28/06 21000 c return 07/10/01 21100 c endif 07/10/01 21200 07/10/01 21300 C************************************************* 07/10/01 21400 C* Create a socket address structure that 07/10/01 21500 C* describes the host & port we wanted to 07/10/01 21600 C* connect to 07/10/01 21700 C************************************************* 07/10/01 21800 c eval addrlen = %size(sockaddr) 07/10/01 21900 c alloc addrlen p_connto 07/10/01 22000 07/10/01 22100 c eval p_sockaddr = p_connto 07/10/01 22200 c eval sin_family = AF_INET 07/10/01 22300 c eval sin_addr = IP 07/10/01 22400 c eval sin_port = port 07/10/01 22500 c eval sin_zero = *ALLx'00' 07/10/01 5722WDS V5R3M0 030905 SEU PARTIAL SOURCE LISTING 05/04/06 12:11:35 NEWPORT PAGE 5 SOURCE FILE . . . . . . . SRCOBJ/QRPGLESRC MEMBER . . . . . . . . . FMELT0 SEQNBR*...+... 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8 ...+... 9 ...+... 0 22600 07/10/01 22700 C************************************************* 07/10/01 22800 C* Connect to the requested host 07/10/01 22900 C************************************************* 07/10/01 23000 C if connect(sock: p_connto: addrlen) < 0 07/10/01 23100 c eval fedesc= 'unable to connect to server!' 04/28/06 23200 c eval fedate = %date() 04/28/06 23300 c eval fetime = %time() 04/28/06 23400 c write rfmelterr 04/28/06 23500 c callp close(sock) 07/10/01 23600 c return 07/10/01 23700 c endif 07/10/01 23800 07/10/01 23900 P Open_Session e 05/20/05 24000 ******************************************************************* 05/20/05 24100 * Procedure to Receive requests 04/28/06 24200 * Input parms: none 05/20/05 24300 * Return value: none 05/20/05 24400 ******************************************************************* 05/20/05 24500 P Talk b 05/20/05 24600 D Talk pi 05/20/05 24700 07/10/01 24800 C************************************************* 07/10/01 24900 C* Get back the server's response 07/10/01 25000 C************************************************* 07/10/01 25100 C eval cnt = 0 05/19/05 25200 C callp DsplyLine 05/20/05 25300 07/10/01 25400 07/10/01 25500 P Talk e 05/20/05 25600 ******************************************************************* 05/20/05 25700 * Procedure to Receive text from server 05/20/05 25800 * Input parms: none 05/20/05 25900 * Return value: none 05/20/05 26000 ******************************************************************* 05/20/05 26100 P DsplyLine b 05/20/05 26200 D DsplyLine pi 05/20/05 26300 C*=============================================================== 07/10/01 26400 C* This subroutine receives one line of text from a server and 07/10/01 26500 C* 04/28/06 26600 C*=============================================================== 07/10/01 26700 C* Receive information from buffer 04/28/06 26800 C************************************************* 07/10/01 26900 07/10/01 27000 c eval reclen = 0 05/20/05 27100 c eval recbuf = *blanks 05/20/05 27200 05/20/05 27300 c eval rc = recv(sock: %addr(recbuf):512:8) 05/02/06 27400 07/10/01 27500 C************************************************* 07/10/01 27600 C* translate the line of text into EBCDIC 07/10/01 27700 C* (to make it readable) and display it 07/10/01 27800 C************************************************* 07/10/01 5722WDS V5R3M0 030905 SEU PARTIAL SOURCE LISTING 05/04/06 12:11:35 NEWPORT PAGE 6 SOURCE FILE . . . . . . . SRCOBJ/QRPGLESRC MEMBER . . . . . . . . . FMELT0 SEQNBR*...+... 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8 ...+... 9 ...+... 0 27900 c eval rc = recv(sock: %addr(recbuf):512:0) 05/02/06 28000 C eval reclen = rc 07/15/05 28100 c callp Translate(reclen: recbuf: 'QTCPEBC') 07/15/05 28200 04/28/06 28300 c eval wwerr = *off 04/28/06 28400 04/28/06 28500 C eval wwdesc = %trim(wwdesc) + recbuf 04/28/06 28600 04/28/06 28700 c eval wwlen = %len(%trim(wwdesc)) 04/28/06 28800 * look for wand to send us error 04/28/06 28900 c eval wwtest = %scan(%trim(wwdesc):'ERROR') 04/28/06 29000 04/28/06 29100 c select 04/28/06 29200 c when wwtest > 0 04/28/06 29300 c eval wwerr = *on 04/28/06 29400 04/28/06 29500 c when wwlen < 50 05/04/06 29600 c eval wwerr = *on 04/28/06 29700 04/28/06 29800 c when wwdesc = *blanks 04/28/06 29900 c eval wwerr = *on 04/28/06 30000 04/28/06 30100 c other 04/28/06 30200 * extract heat field from string if error write to error file 04/28/06 30300 c monitor 04/28/06 30400 c eval fmheat = %dec(%subst(wwdesc:15:5):4:0) 04/28/06 30500 c on-error *all 04/28/06 30600 c eval wwerr = *on 04/28/06 30700 c endmon 04/28/06 30800 * extract heat field from string if error write to error file 04/28/06 30900 c eval wwlen = %scan('Number ':wwdesc:19) 04/28/06 31000 c eval wwlen = wwlen + 8 04/28/06 31100 c monitor 04/28/06 31200 c eval fmunit = %dec(%subst(wwdesc:wwlen:2):2:0) 04/28/06 31300 c on-error *all 04/28/06 31400 c eval wwerr = *on 04/28/06 31500 c endmon 04/28/06 31600 * extract heat field from string if error write to error file 04/28/06 31700 c eval wwlen = %scan('Temp ':wwdesc:46) 04/28/06 31800 c eval wwlen = wwlen + 6 04/28/06 31900 c monitor 04/28/06 32000 c eval fmtemp = %dec(%subst(wwdesc:wwlen:4):4:0) 04/28/06 32100 c on-error *all 04/28/06 32200 c eval wwerr = *on 04/28/06 32300 c endmon 04/28/06 32400 c endsl 04/28/06 32500 04/28/06 32600 c if wwerr = *on 04/28/06 32700 c eval fedate = %date() 04/28/06 32800 c eval fetime = %time() 04/28/06 32900 c eval fedesc = wwdesc 04/28/06 33000 c write rfmelterr 04/28/06 33100 c else 04/28/06 5722WDS V5R3M0 030905 SEU PARTIAL SOURCE LISTING 05/04/06 12:11:35 NEWPORT PAGE 7 SOURCE FILE . . . . . . . SRCOBJ/QRPGLESRC MEMBER . . . . . . . . . FMELT0 SEQNBR*...+... 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8 ...+... 9 ...+... 0 33200 c eval fmdate = %date() 04/28/06 33300 c eval fmtime = %time() 04/28/06 33400 04/28/06 33500 c write rfmelt 04/28/06 33600 c endif 04/28/06 33700 P DsplyLine e
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