× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

I have encountered a problem I cannot figure out.  I have a CL program
that accepts 8 parms (defined below).

                          &INTHRUDATE &INFROMTIME &INTHRUTIME

             DCL        VAR(&INMINUTES) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(3)
             DCL        VAR(&INFILLER) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(5)
             DCL        VAR(&INFROMDATE) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10)
             DCL        VAR(&INTHRUDATE) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10)
             DCL        VAR(&INFROMTIME) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(6)
             DCL        VAR(&INTHRUTIME) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(6)
             DCL        VAR(&INRNGETYPE) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(1)
             DCL        VAR(&INEMAIL) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(70)      

I call the program as follows:
Type command, press Enter.

===> call ppl374p parm('mike.tobey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' '015' '*ALL'
'2005-11-14' '000000' '000000' 'P')     

In debug I check to values of the parms and find that INEMAIL contains
parm 1, 2 and 3.
INEMAIL = 'mike.tobey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  015           *ALL' (the
spacing is not exact)
INMINUTE = '015'

If I change INEMAIL to remove the everything after the email address
both INMINUTES and INFILLER also get cleared.  It seems that the memory
address of parms 2 and 3 are overlaying parm 1 after the email address.

I originally had email as the last parm, when I did that I got the email
address and then grabage. 
I tried calling the program from another CL with the same parameter list
but got the same result.

Does anyone have any idea why this would happen?

Michael Tobey
Applications Analyst
Foremost Farms USA (Consumer Products)

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