List Hi, I still I can read my IFS file. I get the error 3440 (ENOTSUP 3440 Operation is not supported. EOPNOTSUPP 3440 Operation is not supported.). I am attaching a list of the program. I run the program in debug where I spotted the error. The path is passed as parameter: (/DIR/SUBDIR/FILE). The error occurs in line 123 attempting to read the file, nbytesread has a value of -1. DspError shows the error. Any help is welcomed. 0001.00 H BNDDIR('QC2LE') 0002.00 H DecEdit('0,') Debug DatFmt(*EUR) DatEdit(*YMD) TimFmt(*HMS) 0003.00 H ALWNULL(*USRCTL) Option(*SRCSTMT:*NODEBUGIO) 0004.00 0005.00 * Open - Open an IFS file 0006.00 D open PR 10I 0 ExtProc('open') 0007.00 D filename * Value 0008.00 D openflags 10I 0 Value 0009.00 D mode 10U 0 Value options(*nopass) 0010.00 D codepage 10U 0 Value options(*nopass) 0011.00 0012.00 0013.00 * Access - Check for existence of an IFS file 0014.00 D access PR 10I 0 ExtProc('access') 0015.00 D filename * Value 0016.00 D modeI 10U 0 Value 0017.00 0018.00 * Read - Read an IFS file 0019.00 D read PR 10I 0 extproc('read') 0020.00 D FileDescI 10I 0 value 0021.00 D bufI * Value 0022.00 D nbyte 10U 0 value 0023.00 0024.00 D write PR 10I 0 extproc('write') 0025.00 D fd 10I 0 value 0026.00 D buf * value 0027.00 D size 10I 0 value 0028.00 0029.00 * Close - Close Ifs file 0030.00 D close PR 10I 0 ExtProc('close') 0031.00 D filehandle 10I 0 Value 0032.00 0033.00 * Unlink - Delete IFS file 0034.00 D unlink PR 10I 0 ExtProc('unlink') 0035.00 D filename * Value 0036.00 0037.00 * Set file Details 0038.00 D Pr_SetFile PR 1 0 0039.00 0040.00 * Open PC File in IFS directory 0041.00 D Pr_OpnFile PR 1 0 0042.00 0043.00 * Open PC File in IFS directory 0044.00 D DspError PR 0045.00 0046.00 * Get Error number 0047.00 D GetErrNo PR * Extproc('__errno') 0048.00 0049.00 D StrError PR * Extproc('strerror') 0050.00 D errorNo 10I 0 Value 0051.00 0052.00 D FileDescI S 10I 0 Inz(0) 0053.00 D buf S 512A Inz(*Blank) 0054.00 D bufI S * Inz(%Addr(BufI)) 0055.00 D nbyteset S 10U 0 Inz(512) 0056.00 D nbytesread S 10I 0 0057.00 D Err_Flag S 10I 0 0058.00 D Oflag S 10I 0 0059.00 D rc S 10I 0 0060.00 D Filename S 80A Inz 0061.00 D L S 5P 0 Inz 0062.00 0063.00 D CodePage S 10U 0 Inz(437) 0064.00 D Omode S 10U 0 0065.00 D BufLen S 10U 0 0066.00 0067.00 * Values for oflag parameter, used by open() 0068.00 D O_APPEND S 10I 0 Inz(256) 0069.00 D O_CODEPAGE S 10I 0 Inz(8388608) 0070.00 D O_CREAT S 10I 0 Inz(8) 0071.00 D O_EXCL S 10I 0 Inz(16) 0072.00 D O_RDONLY S 10I 0 Inz(1) 0073.00 D O_RDWR S 10I 0 Inz(4) 0074.00 D O_TEXTDATA S 10I 0 Inz(16777216) 0075.00 D O_TRUNC S 10I 0 Inz(64) 0076.00 D O_WRONLY S 10I 0 Inz(2) 0077.00 0078.00 * User authorities for omode paramter, used by open() 0079.00 * from QSYSINC/SYS, member STAT 0080.00 D S_IRUSR S 10I 0 Inz(256) 0081.00 D S_IWUSR S 10I 0 Inz(128) 0082.00 D S_IXUSR S 10I 0 Inz(64) 0083.00 D S_IRWXU S 10I 0 Inz(448) 0084.00 0085.00 * Group authorities 0086.00 D S_IRGRP S 10I 0 Inz(32) 0087.00 D S_IWGRP S 10I 0 Inz(16) 0088.00 D S_IXGRP S 10I 0 Inz(8) 0089.00 D S_IRWXG S 10I 0 Inz(56) 0090.00 0091.00 * Other authorities 0092.00 D S_IROTH S 10I 0 Inz(4) 0093.00 D S_IWOTH S 10I 0 Inz(2) 0094.00 D S_IXOTH S 10I 0 Inz(1) 0095.00 D S_IRWXO S 10I 0 Inz(7) 0096.00 0097.00 D PrmPssrErr S 1A 0098.00 D PrmFileName S 80A 0099.00 D Wrk_1stErr S Like(*In01) 0100.00 D Wrk_FrstTime S 1A Inz('Y') 0101.00 D Null C Const(x'00') 0102.00 0103.00 /free 0104.00 0105.00 // Set Pc file details 0106.00 L = Pr_SetFile (); 0107.00 If L = -1; 0108.00 0109.00 ExSr *PSSR; 0110.00 0111.00 EndIf; 0112.00 0113.00 // Open PC file in IFS directory 0114.00 L = Pr_OpnFile (); 0115.00 If L = -1; 0116.00 0117.00 ExSr *PSSR; 0118.00 0119.00 EndIf; 0120.00 0121.00 /end-free 0122.00 0123.00 C eval nbytesread = read(FileDescI:%addr(bufI): 0124.00 C nbyteset) 0125.00 0126.00 C If nbytesread > 0 0127.00 C Eval *InLr = *On 0128.00 C Else 0129.00 C Callp DspError 0130.00 C EndIf 0131.00 /Eject 0132.00 ********************************************************************** 0133.00 * *Inzsr - Program level initialisation 0134.00 ********************************************************************** 0135.00 C *Inzsr BegSr 0136.00 0137.00 * Received Parameters 0138.00 C *Entry Plist 0139.00 C Parm PrmFileName 0140.00 C Parm PrmPssrErr 0141.00 0142.00 /free 0143.00 0144.00 // Default path name 0145.00 Filename = %Trim(PrmFileName); 0146.00 0147.00 /end-free 0148.00 0149.00 C EndSr 0150.00 0151.00 /Eject 0152.00 ********************************************************************** 0153.00 * *Pssr - Error Routine 0154.00 ********************************************************************** 0155.00 C *Pssr BegSr 0156.00 0157.00 * Dump program and terminate process 0158.00 /free 0159.00 If Wrk_1stErr <> *On; 0160.00 Wrk_1stErr = *On; 0161.00 Dump; 0162.00 PrmPssrErr = 'Y'; // Force Exit now 0163.00 *InLr = *On; 0164.00 EndIf; 0165.00 0166.00 /end-free 0167.00 0168.00 C EndSr '*CANCL' 0169.00 ********************************************************************** 0170.00 /Eject 0171.00 ********************************************************************** 0172.00 * Pr_SetFile - Set PC file details 0173.00 ********************************************************************** 0174.00 P Pr_SetFile B 0175.00 0176.00 D Pr_SetFile PI 1 0 0177.00 0178.00 /free 0179.00 0180.00 Oflag = O_CREAT + O_CODEPAGE + O_RDWR + O_TRUNC; 0181.00 0182.00 Omode = S_IRWXU + S_IRWXG + S_IROTH + S_IXOTH; 0183.00 0184.00 Filename = %Trim(FileName) + Null; 0185.00 0186.00 /end-free 0187.00 0188.00 C Eval Err_Flag = Open(%Addr(Filename) : OFLAG : 0189.00 C Omode: CodePage) 0190.00 0191.00 /free 0192.00 0193.00 If Err_Flag < 0; 0194.00 Return -1; 0195.00 Else; 0196.00 Return 0; 0197.00 EndIf; 0198.00 0199.00 /end-free 0200.00 0201.00 P Pr_SetFile E 0202.00 ********************************************************************** 0203.00 0204.00 0205.00 ********************************************************************** 0206.00 * Pr_OpnFile - Open PC File in IFS directory 0207.00 ********************************************************************** 0208.00 P Pr_OpnFile B 0209.00 0210.00 D Pr_OpnFile PI 1 0 0211.00 0212.00 /free 0213.00 0214.00 Oflag = O_WRONLY + O_TEXTDATA; 0215.00 0216.00 /end-free 0217.00 0218.00 C Eval Err_Flag = Open(%Addr(Filename) : Oflag) 0219.00 0220.00 /free 0221.00 0222.00 If Err_Flag < 0; 0223.00 Return -1; 0224.00 Else; 0225.00 Return 0; 0226.00 EndIf; 0227.00 0228.00 /end-free 0229.00 0230.00 P Pr_OpnFile E 0231.00 ********************************************************************** 0232.00 0233.00 ********************************************************************** 0234.00 * DspError - Display c function error 0235.00 ********************************************************************** 0236.00 P DspError B 0237.00 0238.00 D DspError PI 0239.00 0240.00 D text S 10A 0241.00 0242.00 D errorNo@ S * Inz 0243.00 D errorNo S 10I 0 Based(Errorno@) 0244.00 D errorMsg@ S * Inz 0245.00 D errorMsg S 100A Based(errorMsg@) 0246.00 D errortxt S 52A Inz(*Blanks) 0247.00 0248.00 0249.00 /free 0250.00 0251.00 errorNo@ = GetErrNo; 0252.00 0253.00 errormsg@ = StrError(errorNo); 0254.00 0255.00 errortxt = %trim(text) + '->' + 0256.00 %char(errorNo) + 0257.00 ':' + %subSt(errormsg:1:37); 0258.00 /end-free 0259.00 0260.00 0261.00 0262.00 P DspError E 0263.00 ********************************************************************** Regards, Emmanuel Zannis (Tel: 01252 372000 x3262 Fax: 01252 542261 e-mail:emmanuel.zannis@xxxxxxxxxxx The above information is confidential to the addressee and may be privileged. 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