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Here is how I do it in my free tool available at http://mowyourlawn.com

     P DOMNode_getAttrs...
     P                 B                   Export
     D DOMNode_getAttrs...
     D                 PI              *
     D pNode                           *   Value

     D namedNodeMap    S               *

       namedNodeMap = QxmlDOM_Node_getAttributes(pNode);
       Return namedNodeMap;

     P DOMNode_getAttrs...
     P                 E 

Hope that helps,
Aaron Bartell

-----Original Message-----
From: rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 8:30 AM
To: rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Question on XML parsing



I am using the XML toolkit for iSeries version 4.00 to parse some
documents and extract data.

I am using the DOM APIs to build the tree structure of the XML and then
extract the data. However I have some problems. The attributes are not
getting listed as nodes in the tree at all. 


For example I have the following XML


<!-- Sample -->

            <book id="101">





            <book id="102">







My understanding is that when I list the children of element Node
'book', there should be a node of type 2 or Qxml_ATTR_NOD. This node
should have the name 'id' and the value '101'. However when I build a
nodelist of the children for this node using the
QxmlDOM_Node_getChildNodes API, and then see the type for each node
separately I do not see any nodes of type 2. Is my understanding wrong?
Can someone help me?


Part of the code that I am using is as given below: (its not the full
code, only the relevant part)


C                   EVAL      %str(GETTAGOPT@:256) = '*'

 * get a node list of all elements.

C                   EVAL      DOMNODELST@ =

C                             QxmlDOM_Document_getElementsByTagName

C                               (DOMDOC@:GETTAGOPT@:Qxml_CHARSTR:20)

 * get number of elements

C                   EVAL      WVELEMCNT = QxmlDOM_NodeList_getLength

C                                            (DOMNODELST@)

C                   IF        WVELEMCNT>0

C                   EXCEPT    HDR

C                   EVAL      WVCNTR1=0

C                   DOW       WVCNTR1<WVELEMCNT

 * point to each node separately now.

C                   EVAL      SGLNODEPTR@=QxmlDOM_NodeList_item

C                                         (DOMNODELST@:WVCNTR1)

C                   EVAL      NODETYPE=QxmlDOM_Node_getNodeType

C                                      (SGLNODEPTR@)

C                   IF        *INOV=*ON

C                   EXCEPT    HDR

C                   EVAL      *INOV=*OFF

C                   ENDIF

C                   EXCEPT    ELEMNUM

C                   EXCEPT    NODETYP

 * find the element name  for this one.



 * print the name and value

C                   IF        *INOV=*ON

C                   EXCEPT    HDR

C                   EVAL      *INOV=*OFF

C                   ENDIF

C                   EXCEPT    NODENAME

C                   EXCEPT    NODEVAL

 * get a list of children

C                   EVAL      CHLNODELST@=QxmlDOM_Node_getChildNodes

C                                         (SGLNODEPTR@)

C                   EVAL      WVNUMCHL=QxmlDOM_NodeList_getLength

C                                      (CHLNODELST@)

C                   EVAL      WVCNTR2=0

C                   DOW       WVCNTR2<WVNUMCHL

C                   EVAL      SGLCHLPTR@=QxmlDOM_NodeList_item

C                                        (CHLNODELST@:WVCNTR2)

C                   EVAL      NODETYPE=QxmlDOM_Node_getNodeType

C                                      (SGLCHLPTR@)


C                   EVAL      WVELEMVAL=$NODEVAL(SGLCHLPTR@)

C                   IF        *INOV=*ON

C                   EXCEPT    HDR

C                   EVAL      *INOV=*OFF

C                   ENDIF

C                   EXCEPT    CHLDNUM

C                   EXCEPT    CHLDTYP

C                   EXCEPT    CHLDNAME

C                   EXCEPT    CHLDVAL

C                   EVAL      WVCNTR2=WVCNTR2+1

C                   ENDDO

 * next element

C                   EVAL      WVCNTR1=WVCNTR1+1


C                   ENDDO

C                   ENDIF


Procedure $FINDNAME simply returns the output of
QxmlDOM_Node_getNodeName and $NODEVAL returns the output of

When I check the nodetype of the children of element node 'book' there
are no nodes of type 2 (attribute node)



- Jason

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