× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

I guess, as is often the case, any statement regarding digital certs can easily 
be interpreted as confusing.
Nevertheless, I stand by what I said. To be clear then, the important point is 
that in order to get the SSL app to work I must of course assign, via the DCM, 
some client cert, which of course has it's associated list of trusted CAs, even 
though the remote server requires no authentication. That cert may of course be 
one the iSeries itself has issued. But where the server does require 
authentication by digital cert then I achieve this by using the client cert 
furnished by the enterprise with which I am connecting and assigning that to 
the app.

In fact, you may be pleased to know Scott, that despite geting the app to work 
using the APIs as Brad is attempting (me make fire too), with the 
localCertificate pointer set to *null, I resorted to your LIBHTTP/HTTPAPI to 
save further development because you've done a good job on the error recovery 
side. Once the client cert was assigned to the app that binds to your service 
pgm it also worked a treat.


-----Original Message-----
From: rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Scott Klement
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 10:43 AM
To: RPG programming on the AS400 / iSeries
Subject: RE: Question on allocating Storage

> It appears that using the iSeries as a client for negotiating both the
> SSL session and the authentication is a little different than when a PC
> performs the same. The PC normally has a root cert used to negotiate the
> SSL session. Where the server requires Basic Authentication then that is
> sufficient. Where The PC normally has a root cert used to negotiate the
> SSL session.

The PC and the iSeries are exactly the same.  You're confusing the act of
validating the server's certificate with the act of sending your own
client certificate -- two very different things.  Sending the client
certificate is an optional bit which isn't done when talking to public web
servers because the server doesn't need to trust the client.  However,
in private business dealings it's very common for both sides to have to
authenticate each other.

Basic Authentication has nothing whatsoever to do with SSL.  It's part of
HTTP, and can be used with or without SSL being involved, and with or
without client authentication involved.

> Where the server requires a digital cert for authentication then it is
> necessary to import a totally separate cert ( possibly from a totally
> separate CA) into the PC in order to implement this.
> However, the iSeries appears to make no such distinction for the similar
> senario. It provides only for assigning a single cert to an application
> via the DCM, which you are undoubtedly aware of since I know you have
> already written such software.

Not true.  The iSeries definitely does make a distinction! When you click
on "Manage trusted roots" (or some similar name) you're telling the DCM which
server certificates your client trusts.  When you're setting up a client
application and assigning a certificate to it, you're assigning a client
cert that it sent when client authentication is enabled.

You may be confused by the fact that in pre-V5R1 versions of OS/400, it
was not possible to set up a secure application without assigning a client
certificate.  That was an oversight which IBM corrected.

However, you still had separate "trusted root" vs. "application
certificate" settings.  The system has always distinguished between them.

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