× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

> The only thing that it changes is that both procedures can now have the
> same name.   If we do not have overloading support, you'd have to call
> them "getMonthNameFromDate" and "getMonthNameFromInt" because the names
> have to be unique.

To clarify what I'm saying further, I've written up a quick demonstration.
Of course, this will not compile since overloaded procedures are not part
of the current compiler, but it hopefully demonstrates what overloading

I'd like to point out that you still have to define an explicit prototype
for each procedure, and explicitly define the data types of each parameter
in each procedure.  (In other words, overloading does NOT solve the
problem that Bob referred to here:
http://archive.midrange.com/rpg400-l/200310/msg00169.html )


      ** Prototypes (these belong in a /copy member)
     D getMonthName    PR            32A   varying overloaded
     D   MonthNo                     10I 0 value
     D getMonthName    PR            32A   varying overloaded
     D   DateFld                       D   const
     D getMonthName    PR            32A   varying overloaded
     D   TimeStmp                      Z   const
     D getMonthName    PR            32A   varying overloaded

     D name            s             50A
     D x               s             10I 0


          name = getMonthName();
          dsply name;

          name = getMonthName(%date() - %days(2));
          dsply name;

          name = getMonthName(%timestamp() + %days(1));
          dsply name;

          for x = 1 to 12;
             name = getMonthName(x);
             dsply name;

          *inlr = *on;


      *  getMonthName():  Retrieve the month name
      *       MonthNo = month number (1-12) to get month from
      *  Returns the month name or '' upon error
     P getMonthName    B
     D getMonthName    PI            32A   varying overloaded
     D   MonthNo                     10I 0 value

         when MonthNo = 1;
            return 'January';
         when MonthNo = 2;
            return 'February';
         when MonthNo = 3;
            return 'March';
         when MonthNo = 4;
            return 'April';
         when MonthNo = 5;
            return 'May';
         when MonthNo = 6;
            return 'June';
         when MonthNo = 7;
            return 'July';
         when MonthNo = 8;
            return 'August';
         when MonthNo = 9;
            return 'September';
         when MonthNo = 10;
            return 'October';
         when MonthNo = 11;
            return 'November';
         when MonthNo = 12;
            return 'December';
            return '';
     P                 E

      *  getMonthName():  Retrieve the month name
      *      DateFld = date field to get the month name from
      *  Returns the month name or '' upon error
     P getMonthName    B
     D getMonthName    PI            32A   varying overloaded
     D   DateFld                       D   const
            return getMonthName(%subdt(DateFld: *MONTHS));
          on-error *all;
            return '';
     P                 E

      *  getMonthName():  Retrieve the month name
      *      TimeStmp = timestamp field to get the month name from
      *  Returns the month name or '' upon error
     P getMonthName    B
     D getMonthName    PI            32A   varying overloaded
     D   TimeStmp                      Z   const
            return getMonthName(%subdt(TimeStmp: *MONTHS));
          on-error *all;
            return '';
     P                 E

      *  getMonthName():  Retrieve the month name
      *         No parameters -- uses the current date.
      *  Returns the month name or '' upon error
     P getMonthName    B
     D getMonthName    PI            32A   varying overloaded
         return getMonthName(%date());
     P                 E

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