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>You think procedure overloading is anywhere even CLOSE to a necessity in
>**business application** design??   

He didn't say that.  He said it was but one of many enhancements which people
have requested.  And he didn't say that it was near the top of the list either,
just that they had an idea how much it was requested relative to other requests.

>I'm not gonna be popular with this list, of course, but imo (and I'm
>*fairly* certain the opinion of the VAST majority of ALL RPG coders) you
>wasted a lotta resources implementing /FREE, before you EVEN thought through
>how to effectively syntax-check the stuff.

The compiler syntax checks the stuff just fine, as does the program verifier.
I'm at a loss to explain why people are up in arms about the syntax checking of
a single statement in /Free.

To me, the only reason syntax checking meant much at all was the column
restrictions when not using /Free.  I very rarely see a syntax message at all
while coding even in /Fixed.  And when I do it is often more of a bother than a
help because I'm inserting lines and have a  + continuation coded but haven't
properly closed up the statement.

Frankly, I don't miss the syntax checking one bit.  Is there a place we can vote
to NOT have development dollars spent on syntax checking /Free in an editor?

> is part of Software Group's "grand" design to FORCE all
>coders to move to Java.  

Hmm, I don't feel forced to move to Java, nor do I expect to flip burgers
because of it.  RPG is gaining features faster than the average programmer can
keep up with them.  (Which is not to say I want it to slow down, only to say the
reports of RPG's death are greatly exaggerated!)

>Who loses?  When it comes to a day when a person with a 2- or 4-year degree
>with a SOLID basis in computer fundamentals can't EFFECTIVELY get the job

Are you saying they used to be able to but now can't?  What did IBM take away
that made it so?  Last I looked you could even code matching records if you
wanted to.  RPG is better than its ever been at solving business needs.  That is
not to say it should be the only language in the toolbox though.


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