× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Thanks Scott,

I was looking for suggestions but a complete working example is even better :-).


Scott Klement wrote:
On Wed, 25 Jun 2003, Paul Tuohy wrote:

The reason I asked about the maximum size is that the maximum size of a
user index entry is 2000.

Well, I don't know about your system, but I would think that it'd be very
unusual to have a pathname that large, though I don't think there's
anything that actually prohibits it.

Not sure that qsort will solve my problem. Doesn't it expect a structure
with fixed length entries?

One of the things about qsort is that you provide your own routine to
tell it whether one entry is higher or lower than the other.  This means,
you don't actually need to sort the physical data, just so that you can
provide your comparison routine with some way of looking up the data, so
that it can compare it.

Since you're working with a user space, you could just create an array of
pointers, populate each pointer with the address of the user space
entries, and sort that.  Then, when you want to read the list in sorted
order, you read it according to this array.    If the size of an array is
a problem, you could use a 2nd user space, or ALLOC-ed memory, or whatever
you like.  This would be analogous to the way a "keyed access path" works
on a physical file... it just creates a path to read the records in,
rather than physically moving the records themselves -- and since moving a
pointer is faster than moving a large block of memory, it may even run

Here's a sample program that demonstrates this technique:


     D QSYLOBJA        PR                  ExtPgm('QSYLOBJA')
     D   UsrSpc                      20A   const
     D   Format                       8A   const
     D   User                        10A   const
     D   ObjType                     10A   const
     D   RtnObjs                     10A   const
     D   ContHandle                  20A   const
     D   ErrorCode                32766A   options(*varsize)
     D   ReqList                  32766A   options(*varsize: *nopass)

     D QUSCRTUS        PR                  ExtPgm('QUSCRTUS')
     D   UsrSpc                      20A   CONST
     D   ExtAttr                     10A   CONST
     D   InitialSize                 10I 0 CONST
     D   InitialVal                   1A   CONST
     D   PublicAuth                  10A   CONST
     D   Text                        50A   CONST
     D   Replace                     10A   CONST
     D   ErrorCode                32766A   options(*nopass: *varsize)

     D QUSPTRUS        PR                  ExtPgm('QUSPTRUS')
     D   UsrSpc                      20A   CONST
     D   Pointer                       *

     D QUSDLTUS        PR                  ExtPgm('QUSDLTUS')
     D   UsrSpc                      20A   CONST
     D   ErrorCode                32766A   options(*varsize)

     D qsort           PR                  ExtProc('qsort')
     D   start_of_dta                  *   value
     D   num_of_elems                10U 0 value
     D   size_of_elem                10U 0 value
     D   compare_proc                  *   ProcPtr value

     D Compare         PR            10I 0
     d   p_Ent1                        *
     d   p_Ent2                        *

     D p_UsrSpc        s               *
     D dsLH            DS                   BASED(p_UsrSpc)
     D                                      qualified
     D   Filler1                    103A
     D   Status                       1A
     D   Filler2                     12A
     D   HdrOffset                   10I 0
     D   HdrSize                     10I 0
     D   ListOffset                  10I 0
     D   ListSize                    10I 0
     D   NumEntries                  10I 0
     D   EntrySize                   10I 0

     D p_OO            s               *
     D dsOO            ds                  based(p_OO) qualified
     D   PathOffset                  10I 0
     D   PathLen                     10I 0
     d   ObjType                     10A
     d   AuthHolder                   1A
     D   Ownership                    1A
     D   ASPDevice                   10A

      ** FIXME: This will cause problems if a user has more than
      **        32k objects, but it makes the code simpler :)
      **        If you need more, just allocate a block of memory
      **        and use pointer math.
     D p_SortList      s               *
     D SortList        s               *   dim(32767) based(p_SortList)

     D p_Path          s               *
     D dsPath          ds                  based(p_Path) qualified
     D   CCSID                       10I 0
     D   Country                      2A
     D   LangID                       3A
     D   Reserved1                    3A
     D   Flag                        10I 0
     D   len                         10I 0
     D   Delim                        2A
     D   Reserved2                   10A
     D   Name                     32768A

     D dsEC            DS                  qualified
     D  BytesProvided                10I 0 inz(%size(dsEC))
     D  BytesAvail                   10I 0 inz(0)
     D  MessageID                     7A
     D  Reserved                      1A
     D  MessageData                 240A

     D MYSPACE         C                   CONST('OWNLIST   QTEMP     ')
     D size            s             10I 0
     D msg             s             52A
     D x               s             10I 0


         // set this to zero to let OS/400 handle errors, instead
         //  of handling them ourselves...
         dsEC.BytesProvided = 0;

         // Create a user space.. make space for (approx) 1000
         //  IFS objects to be listed.
         size = %size(dsLH) + 512 + ((%size(dsOO) + 100) * 1000);
         QUSCRTUS(MYSPACE: 'USRSPC': size: x'00': '*ALL':
                 'Temp User Space for QSYLOBJA API':  '*YES': dsEC);

         //  List objects owned by current user to the user space
                  *BLANKS: dsEC);


// // Populate an array of pointers, each pointer pointing // to a user space entry. // size = %size(p_OO) * dsLH.NumEntries; p_SortList = %alloc(size); p_OO = p_UsrSpc + dsLH.ListOffset; for x = 1 to dsLH.NumEntries; SortList(x) = p_OO; p_OO = p_UsrSpc + (dsOO.PathOffset + dsOO.PathLen); endfor;

         // sort the array.  The interesting part about this sort is
         //  in the COMPARE procedure below.
         qsort(p_SortList: dsLH.NumEntries: %size(p_OO): %paddr('COMPARE'));

         // display the sorted array
         for x = 1 to dsLH.NumEntries;
            p_OO = SortList(x);
            p_Path = p_UsrSpc + dsOO.PathOffset;
            msg = %subst(dsPath.Name: 1: dsPath.Len);
            dsply msg;

         dealloc p_SortList;

         *inlr = *on;

*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * qsort() calls this routine to tell when one entry is * greater or less than another. * * FIXME: Comparison is only done on the first 32k of the * Pathname. To work with larger pathnames, this * could be changed to use memcmp(). *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ P Compare B export D Compare PI 10I 0 d p_Ent1 * d p_Ent2 *

     D Ent1            ds                  likeds(dsOO) based(p_Ent1)
     D Ent2            ds                  likeds(dsOO) based(p_Ent2)

     D p_Path1         s               *
     D Path1           ds                  likeds(dsPath) based(p_Path1)
     D p_Path2         s               *
     D Path2           ds                  likeds(dsPath) based(p_Path2)

         p_path1 = p_UsrSpc + Ent1.PathOffset;
         p_Path2 = p_UsrSpc + Ent2.PathOffset;

         if %subst(Path1.Name: 1: Path1.Len)
              < %subst(Path2.Name: 1: Path2.Len);
           return -1;
         elseif %subst(Path1.Name: 1: Path1.Len)
              > %subst(Path2.Name: 1: Path2.Len);
           return 1;
           return 0;

     P                 E
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