× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


In my experience, two conditions have caused a *STATUS message to flash.
1) The EXFMT record does not have the OVERLAY keyword specified.
2) The message is received by a record that is later overwritten by the
EXFMT record.

What activation group your rpgle program runs in may affect this behavior as
well. In the default activation group, CallStkEnt = 1 will send the message
to the previous call stack entry. In a named activation group, CallStkEnt
holds the number of control boundaries you want the message to cross.

Roger Mackie

-----Original Message-----
From: djobe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:djobe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 16:02
To: rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx

I am executing a command interactively from the command line using a rpgle
program as its processor.  When the rpgle program encounters an error,
QMHSNDPM is used to send an error.  Unfortunately, the error flashes and is
gone.  In the rpgle processing after the message is sent, the program ends.
How do I get the message to remain on the display after message is sent?  I
have tried different variations of the message type and '*' for the call
stack entry, but without success.  I know on SNDPGMMSG, *PRV can be used
for TOPGMQ, but I can't seem to find the equivalent option for the api.
Here is an excerpt of the code:

D SndPgmMsg       PR                  ExtPgm('QMHSNDPM')
D   MessageID                    7A   Const
D   QualMsgF                    20A   Const
D   MsgData                    256A   Const
D   MsgDtaLen                   10I 0 Const
D   MsgType                     10A   Const
D   CallStkEnt                  10A   Const
D   CallStkCnt                  10I 0 Const
D   MessageKey                   4A
D   ErrorCode                32766A   options(*varsize)

D dsEC            DS
D  dsECBytesP             1      4I 0 INZ(256)
D  dsECBytesA             5      8I 0 INZ(0)
D  dsECMsgID              9     15
D  dsECReserv            16     16
D  dsECMsgDta            17    256

D wwMsg           S             80    inz('Invalid Store')
D wwMsgLen        S             10I 0 inz(80)
D wwTheKey        S              4A

C     *entry        plist
C                   parm                    StoreP
C     StoreP        Chain     Store
C                   If        not %found(Store)
C                   callp     SndPgmMsg('CPF9897': 'QCPFMSG   *LIBL':
C                               wwMsg  : wwMsgLen: '*STATUS':
C                               '*EXT' : 1: wwTheKey: dsEC)
C                   Return
C                   Endif

Donnie Jobe
Sr. Programmer/Analyst
O'Reilly Auto Parts

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