× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

What are the compile options?  I know that commitment control and DLYPRP()
cause program creation to behave differently from when they are left at
their defaults.

Thank you,
Matt Tyler

-----Original Message-----
From: MWalter@hanoverwire.com [mailto:MWalter@hanoverwire.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 12:45
To: rpg400-l@midrange.com
Subject: re:SQL Problem

This is the entire source member:

     D/copy *libl/qrpglesrc,invglmfpr

     dinputData      e DS                  extname(invGlmf) based(p_input)
     D                                      prefix(ip_)

     DdsData         E DS                   occurs(9999) based(p_dsData)
     d                                       extname(invglmf)

     PgetAllInvGlMf    B                   Export
     DgetAllInvGlMf    PI              *
     d numrecs                       10i 0

     DdtaLen           S             10i 0
     dcount            S             10i 0

      * retrieve the number of records to be returned
     c/exec sql
     c+ select COUNT(*) INTO :count FROM Invglmf
      * only process if there are records
     c                   if        count > 0
      * allocate the storage for the MODS
     c                   eval      dtaLen = %size(dsData) * count
     c                   alloc     dtaLen        p_dsData
      * declare the cursor
     c/exec sql
     c+  SELECT * FROM Invglmf
      * open the cursor
     c/exec sql
     c+ OPEN c
      * move the records from the cursor to the MODS
     c/exec sql
     c+ FETCH FROM c FOR :count ROWS INTO :dsData
      * close the Cursor
     c/exec sql
     c+ CLOSE c
      * set the records returned and return a pointer to the MODS
     c                   eval      numRecs = count
     c                   return    p_dsData
      * no records, return null.
     c                   else
     c                   return    *null
     c                   endif

      * INsert a record
     P                 E

     PaddInvGlMf       B                   export
     DaddInvGlMF       PI            10i 0
     D ptrToData                       *   const
     d stmt            S            500    varying
     DQT               C                   CONST('''')

      * set the pointer of the work structure to the new data
     c                   eval      p_input = ptrToData
      * build the statement
     c                   eval      stmt = 'INSERT INTO Invglmf +
     c                             (comno,tcode,itcls,rctacct,matacct, +
     c                              labacct,ovhacct) VALUES(' +
     c                             %editc(ip_comno:'X') + ',' +
     c                             QT + ip_tcode + QT + ',' +
     c                             QT + ip_itcls + QT + ',' +
     c                             QT + ip_rctacct + QT + ',' +
     c                             QT + ip_matacct + QT + ',' +
     c                             QT + ip_labacct + QT + ',' +
     c                             QT + ip_ovhAcct + QT + ')'
      * execute it
     c/exec sql

     c                   return    sqlcod

      * update a record
     P                 e

     PupdInvGlMf       B                   export
     DupdInvGlMf       PI            10i 0
     D ptrToData                       *   const

     Dstmt             S            500    varying
     DQT               C                   const('''')
      * set the pointer of the work structure to the actual data
     c                   eval      p_input = ptrToData
      * build the statement
     C                   eval      stmt = 'UPDATE Invglmf +
     C                              SET (rctacct, matacct, +
     C                               labacct, ovhacct) = (' +
     C                              QT + ip_rctacct + QT + ',' +
     C                              QT + ip_matacct + QT + ',' +
     C                              QT + ip_labacct + QT + ',' +
     c                              QT + ip_ovhAcct + QT + ')' +
     C                              ' WHERE tcode = ' +
     C                              QT + ip_tcode + QT +
     C                              ' AND itcls = ' +
     C                              QT + ip_itcls + QT +
     C                              ' AND comno = ' +
     C                              %editc(ip_comno:'X')
      * execute it
     c/exec sql

     C                   return    sqlcod

      * delete a record
     P                 E

     PdltInvGlMF       B                   Export
     DdltInvGlMf       PI            10i 0
     D tcode                          2    const
     D comno                          2  0 const
     D itcls                          4    const

     dstmt             S            500    varying
     DQT               C                   const('''')

      * build the statement
     C                   eval      stmt = 'DELETE FROM Invglmf +
     C                             WHERE tcode = ' +
     c                             QT + tcode + QT +
     C                             ' AND comno = ' +
     C                             %editc(comno:'X') +
     C                             ' AND itcls = ' +
     C                             QT + itcls + QT
      * execute it
     C/exec sql

     c                   return    sqlcod
     P                 e

If I remove the updInvGlMf and dltInvGlMf, it will compile.



Mark Walter
Sr. Programmer/Analyst
Hanover Wire Cloth a div of CCX, Inc.
717.637.3795 Ext.3040

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