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Lois wrote:
>We are in the process of converting all of our RPGII & RPGIII programs to
>RPGIV. I would like to know if it is the common practice to use the
>*resdecpos in the default H spec. Is there a down side?

Others will tell you if it's common practise.  Is there a
down side?  Yes.  Well, not so much a "down side", but you
do still have to be careful.  *RESDECPOS applies to the
decimal precision rules only where there is a result
variable.  If you code an expression on an IF or DOW
statement, for example, there is no result variable, and
the default decimal precision rules will apply.  You might
still find the number of decimal places of some sub-
expression dropping down to zero, resulting in incorrect

In other words, people might use *RESDECPOS as some sort
of panacea.  But it won't prevent all possible problems
that the default decimal precision rules might give you.
Learning the decimal precision rules is still a good idea.

Cheers!  Hans

Hans Boldt, ILE RPG Development, IBM Toronto Lab, boldt@ca.ibm.com

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