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  • Subject: Re: Activation Groups and Threads
  • From: FKolmann@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 06:24:28 -0400

Hi Jim,
Thank for the reply.

-  SNIP-

>Okay, say you have an application that uses a certain database file,
>and you want to do an override on this database file.  So you do the
>override, then realize that some other called program is now opening
>up your overridden file but you really want to open the original file.
>You have a bit of a quandary, and what you would probably wind up doing
>is a kluge by creating a CL that does an override, calling the other
>program, then setting the override back or some such nonsense.
>Enter Activation Groups.  You compile your main program in one activation
>group, and the other called program in another activation group.  Now
>you can specify on your override which activation group it is to apply
>to, and so the two different programs will be opening up two different
>database files with the same name, one using the override and one not.
>As I said, in most cases you don't need to use activation groups per se
>so go with the default activation group.

Thank you for the example and I see by your last sentence that you can 
also see the flaw above but, you cannot have the same file-name for 
different files in the one library and ordinary overrides can handle this
case, you don’t need AGs.


Thanks Jim, I see by the number of your replies that you are one helpful
guy, and you always have my respect.

Regards Frank Kolmann

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