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What you are saying is true...but what happens when you need to change that
wonderful subroutine that is plastered into ALL those programs????
Procedures only need to be changed once.  And if they are in a service
program, only the service program needs to be recreated.

Much cleaner!  No searching for the subroutine, no recompiling hundreds of
programs, just change ONE place.


                    "Bill Bynum"                                                
                    <bill.bynum@nucorcoldfin        To:     
                    ishsc.com>                      cc:                         
                    Sent by:                        Subject:     RE: ILE 
                    06/21/01 10:29 AM                                           
                    Please respond to                                           

>I can't tell you the number of times I've heard various junior
>say something similar.  How about a more realistic scenario?

In my MANY years of programming,(mind you that MANY constitutes  a level
much higher than Jr. programmer) every subroutine written in programs that
are currently being used in a production environment have been previously
tested(i.e. old code that is NOT broken). Granted, you may have to tweak
code(i.e. change indicator references, etc.) but it puts the code right in
front of you rather than relying on a hardcopy, and/or an additional
session, swapping back and forth from one to the other.

Talking about being realistic, when you are dealing with RPGII, RPGIII,
RPG400, and RPGLE in one environment, and you know that there is a
subroutine or a piece of code that is being used in an RPGII program that
would help you in an RPG400 program, you better believe that I will go and
copy that code and drop it into the new program. And the nice thing about
it, it works every time.


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