----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2000 9:06
Subject: Re: *BLANKS = spaces?
Tom, I'm assuming when you do your transfer
you are selecting file type of ascii text. The AS/400 will truncate all hex
'40' at the end of the record and put a carriage return line feed in for you.
I have done this many times. I believe if you select Dos random as your to
file all will be cool, but you must explicitly put your own carriage return
line feed in. In your example your file would need 2 fields. The first is the
data field described as 801 bytes alpha, the second is a 2 byte alpha field
perhaps called CRLF for carriage return line feed. you should populate it
with the hex values '0D' and '25'. To do this you can move left the
'0D' to CRLF and move the '25' to CRLF. When you do the tranfer the
translation table will interpet the field CRLF to be an ascii carriage return
line feed. This is one way to solve your problem. Good Luck,
Can you put a non-blank character
in position 801? That's what I had to do some years ago when using PC
Support for file transfers.
If I MOVE *BLANKS to a field, is that the sames as *ALL ' ' or
spaces? I've noticed that the AS/400 generally doesn't seem
distinguish between a blank and a space in most
This goes back to my 801
character field - when I FTP it to a PC, the
record is only as long as the
real data and does not include the
trailing blanks. I need the PC
file to also be 801 characters.
I tried
sending the database file first, then converted to a PC Document
transferred it. Same result both times. This may have just
off topic for this list...