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  • Subject: Re: Text on report
  • From: booth@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 01:01:19 GMT

The more I learn about externally described printer files the more 
convinced I am that this is the only "right" way to do RPG printing. That 
allows highlighting and underlining btw.

Having said that, if its going to be O specs try for something under 80 
columns wide so you have a reasonable chance of editing it on your screen. 
 Create an array, (compile-time or run-time, makes no difference) and load 
it with the formatted text.  Then at the proper time in your cycle do a 
loop, cycling through the array from 1 to n.  I usually used an 
alternating array with the line number in the first array and the text in 
the alternating array so I could tell which element(s) had to have the 
variable field value inserted.
Booth Martin

Jim Langston <jlangston@conexfreight.com>
Sent by: owner-rpg400-l@midrange.com
06/20/2000 02:44 PM
Please respond to RPG400-L

        To:     "RPG400-L@midrange.com" <RPG400-L@midrange.com>
        Subject:        Text on report

I have a report to generate that has quite a bit of text on it.  A whole 
paragraph, basically.

I'm not using the reports, but O specs in my RPG program.  I know some 
would say, and probably rightfully so, to use a report program for this, 
but I want to do this in O specs.

My question is, how do you feel would be the best way to get this long 
text data into my program to print on the page?  There are a number of 
ways I could do it, including puting it in a file, then opening it and 
reading it a line at a time into a variable and printing it out.  Or I 
could do a Compile time array and stick it on the bottom of my program.

I could type out the text in the O specs and just space it accordingly, 
but the rather short length of the input fields for the O specs for 
constants kinda limits me on this.

There is another type of array, I think, where I could create the file and 
then load the array with the information at run time from the file, though 
I've never done that before.

Does anyone have any other, maybe even better, suggestions?


Jim Langston

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