I ended up creating a second file, without
the date and time formats, just using alpha fields. Then I can upload the
file and use cpyf *map to copy the records to their ultimate
Seems like an awful lot of extra steps, but
it does work.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 1999 12:03
Subject: Re: File transfer
YYYY-MM-DD is *ISO format, and I know *ISO can be specified
in DDS source. Looking at the system value QDATFMT I do not see that
option, however, I only see the options for YMD, MDY, DMY, JUL and then
there is the system value QDATSEP giving us options for "/", "-", ".", ","
and Blank.
I believe that Client Access is using the QDATFMT and
QDATSEP fields instead of the DDS format. This is just an educated
guess, however, as we do not use Client Access here.
This seems to
be a limitation in AS/400, as I feel the QDATFMT should allow all the types
allowed in the DDS source.
The only problem is, I have no idea what to
do about it. I suppose you set your QDATFMT for YMD and QDATSEP to
"-" which would give you YY-MM-DD but then you would have go plug in the
century somehow. I understand there is some way to change the date
format just for the job you are running, but I am not quite sure how to do
Jim Langston
Jim Ackerman
> I am having difficulty uploading a text file into a DB2/400
file because of > the date and time fields in the DB2/400
file. > > DSPFFD shows the date fields as 10 Alpha, even though
the DDS has them > defined as type 'L'. When I downloaded the file
through Client Access to > create the .fdf file, the .fdf file shows
them as 8 Alpha, and the resulting > downloaded file shows them as
MM/DD/YY even though they are stored in the > DB2/400 file as
YYYY-MM-DD. > > I have tried using both FTP and Client Access, to
no avail. I have tried > tweaking the data, using different
formats (the MM/DD/YY and YYYY-MM-DD, as > well as just
numbers). > > Any ideas? > > Jim > >
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