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  • Subject: Re: "extract" command enhancement
  • From: boldt@xxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 08:53:41 -0400

Rick wrote:
>It would be nice to be able to extract only the century  with the "extract"
>command. Right now you can only extract the 2 digit or 4 digit year. I do it
>with a data structure.
>What also would be nice is to have the "extract" command give you the century
>even though the date in factor 2 is a 6 digit date.
>              ex:   d  date6             s    d    datfmt(*mdy)
>          c    extract   date6: *c century
>Here, *c means you want the century.
>Its necessary to isolate the century because alot of files have the century as
>field by itself.

Well, I like the idea.  I'll see what I can do.

As you may already know, we're currently thinking of adding
a whole slew of new built-in functions, including a bunch
that do date/time/timestamp manipulations.  I don't know if
we would enhance the old EXTRCT opcode, but this might be
something we could add to a possible %EXTRACT BIF.

However, if you're using V4R4 today, you could extract the
century using the following technique:
   -- EVAL the *mdy date to an *iso date variable
   -- use opcode EXTRCT to get the 4-digit year
   -- use %DIV(YEAR:100) to get the century

(Unfortunately, if the date operand uses a 2-digit year
format, opcode EXTRCT will give you a 2-digit year instead
of a 4-digit year!  For a %EXTRACT BIF, we'll likely always
return a 4-digit year value.)

Even if you couldn't use %EXTRACT to get the century in a
future release, at least you should be able to do the above
steps all in one calc statement instead of three.  ie, you
should be able to code %DIV(%EXTRACT(DT:*Y):100) to get
just the century.

Cheers!  Hans

Hans Boldt, ILE RPG Development, IBM Toronto Lab, boldt@ca.ibm.com

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