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But is there a Half Price Books for electronic books?
- sjl

Scott wrote:


I tend to read in bed, or on the couch in the living room...
and the odds of my iPad falling into water are slim to none.

There's somethingthing I find really nice about reading
on iPad that I didn't think of prior to purchase...
no need for a reading light. I can be on a dark plane,
bus, car or train... or I can be in my bedroom
with the lights off. The thing provides it's own light.

I also don't have to go to the library/store to get a new book.
I tend to do a lot of stuff in the middle of the night,
and this is much more convenient for me.

I also don't have to worry about having a bookmark handy,
or losing my place in the book... it keeps track of that for me.
(Though, I can mark pages if I want to go back to them later.)

I'll admit, reading books was not one of the main reasons
I bought an iPad to begin with. I never expected to like
using it to read books.

But, I do... in fact, it's now one of my favorite features.

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