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John -


You are guilty of violating the [Unconstitutional, IMO] Digital Millennium
Copyright Act (DMCA).

I sentence you to watch 'Space Balls' 100 times in a row! {if you don't
have a copy, I can get one for you...}


- sjl

John wrote:
I've seen plenty of mediocre movies with great SFX, so I have no current
plans to buy Avatar. That said, for watching content on PCs or making my
own archive copies without DRM restrictions I use AnyDVDHD (
http://www.slysoft.com/en/anydvdhd.html ). I bought it to bypass DVD
coding but it's uses go far beyond that and include rendering these
DRM schemes irrelevant.

Unfortunately it is not free but IMHO it is worth every cent.

One thing the article neglects to mention is that manufacturers aren't
obligation to issue firmware updates and they've no revenue enticement to
so. Because of that I'm seeing a future where the average consumer's
perfectly working BD player stops playing new releases as the manufacturer
has stopped issuing updates for it. Solution: Buy another player & feed
old one to a landfill. Or, as I do, bypass the DRM to make a personal
that can be enjoyed on any player in the house.

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