× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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I know Outlook Express is so old... but don't ask me why I'm still using it!
Anyway, I have the following problem with its AddressBook:
Creating/modifying contcts works fine.
But selecting to view the DETAILS... only shows 4 fields for each name:
- Name, MobilePhone, WorkPhone, e-mail address

I can move them around in the line picking with the mouse its column heading and dragging it to a different position.
Also, if right select with the mouse in the heading of MobilePhone or WorkPhone, then I get a list of different fields I can choose from., and this new field replaces the previous field, but the I still have only 4 fields in the DETAILS list: Name, <newfield just selected>, WorkPhone, e-mail address.
But same action, right-click with mouse on column heading for first column (Name) or fourth column (e-mail adrress) does not show any list of fields to select from...
I'd like to see, e.g., Name, Mobile, WorkPhone, e-mailaddress, FAX, Home address, Work address, etc.

QUESTION: how can I select a full bunch of fields I want to show in the DETAIL window as long as they fit in it?

This is so easy in other AddressBook!!! (even with Outlook ... NOT-Express!!!)

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