× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Joe - but the iSeries is a "server" and you need to match server to server to be fair.
A well configured Windows server is way beyond XP Pro desktop.
It is a given, proven over & over that MS desktop applications have had & continue
to have problems. But now you have to picture that "more vulnerable" desktop
communicating with the iSeries (Client Access or thru IE/html or whatever).
A keyboard logger on the pc can log your iSeries
profile & password....Now picture yourself not with your "development server", but
a large corporate iSeries....
I think you have to start with the assumption that a legit profile can be had. Now
what doors do you need to close?
jim franz

----- Original Message ----- From: "Joe Pluta" <joepluta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "'PC Technical Discussion for iSeries Users'" <pctech@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2005 9:24 PM
Subject: RE: [PCTECH] Here is a real reality check for every PC user...

Walden just wants to see me pop a vein... <laughing>

Walden, the iSeries is at least 2 orders of magnitude more secure than a
Windows desktop, depending on which way you want to measure security,
especially since you now have to rely on a two- or three-pronged security
system (MS, your favorite virus protection and your favorite mail scanner).

This is especially true now that we know that the major security vendors are
in league with other major corporations to allow them to install spyware
such as the Sony rootkit, which laid open every machine that played a Sony
music CD to complete takeover.

To hacker-proof my iSeries I just turn on security level 50 and don't run
scripting tools like PHP. I follow normal procedures such as making sure my
HTTP pages are written professionally (that is, without SQL injection
faults) and I don't let OS/400 user profiles and passwords out into the

It's a LOT easier than locking down Windows and keeping it secure.


From: Walden H. Leverich

Just as a reality check for every iSeries user too... The iSeries isn't
hacker-proof either. Yes, I'll admit it has many advantages, but we
can't sit back, kick up our heals, and say gee, look, that's all stuff I
don't have to care about.

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