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A diversion - QShell is a "shell" modeled, it seems, after some Unix-style shells - I just saw one of these (BASH, or Bourne Again SHell) as a shell program and command language. One might say we use a shell in 5250 emulators, the CL shell, so to speak. In QSH we have "..a shell program and command language..." that are similar to those in Unix or Linux shells, with occasional differences.

A shell game, I guess - and I bet others have used that allusion before!


On 6/4/2024 9:18 PM, Arnie Flangehead wrote:
Yes, you're right again — it is easiest to start from a fresh file. Out of
curiosity I tried changing the script file to 819 and EOL *LF then ran it,
but nothing good happened so I started afresh.

As for the language (John Yeung question), I've always thought of it as
"QShell", but that may not be accurate. It would have been based on
something from itjungle years ago. It's just run with STRQSH with the only
parameter being the script path/file.

Anyway, thank you Stefan: You saved me a lot of frustration and stress.

On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 2:38 AM <stefan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

The easiest way to set the ccsid is to "pre-create" the streamfile with
"touch -C 819 filename".
If the file exists nothing happens otherwise it creates an empty file with
correct ccsid.

Best regards


No trees were killed in the sending of this message, but a large number of
electrons were terribly upset.

Stefan Tageson
+46 732 369934

-----Original Message-----
From: OpenSource <opensource-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of
Arnie Flangehead
Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 4:32 PM
To: IBMi Open Source Roundtable <opensource@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [IBMiOSS] Understanding SSH Key Pairs

You are so right.

At least, what you say makes absolute sense, because I made the simpler
file following Scott Klement's tutorial, whereas the one failing is a
modified copy of an FTP one. I've just been kicked off for the backup, so
I'll have to wait to verify (after a nice little sleep), but I'm sure that
what you say is correct.

So, since it's made anew each time from a script (i.e. with variables
coming from environment variables via CL), will making the "create" script
the right encoding make the generated script the right encoding? Or if I
correct the encoding for the generated script that's currently there, will
it retain its encoding when it gets refreshed with new contents?
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