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On Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 5:03 PM Mike Loyd <mloyd@xxxxxxx> wrote:

I already have a script to get a XLS spread sheet to a data base file.

How does that script get the data into the database?

I have a simple script to read and print a CSV file. So, I need that piece to parse the CSV file and write the data.

I don't see why you can't use whatever you used to get the .xls data
into the database. The reading part is a little different, of course,
but the writing part should be the same.

There *is* a notable difference, which is that .xls data has
differentiated types for character and numeric, whereas CSV is
fundamentally all character. But depending on how you got the data
into the database for .xls, that might not matter.

I agree with the suggestion to use CPYFRMIMPF though, if your needs
are simple enough to be handled by that command.

John Y.

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