Hello James,

just came back to this topic.

Am 27.08.2024 um 18:29 schrieb James H. H. Lampert via MIDRANGE-L <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Found out how to do it: it indeed is done by just using file numbers instead of names in the JFLD and JREF clauses.

For completeness: If you want to join secondary file multiple times, you need to list it that number of times in the JFILE statement. You must then refer to the "duplicate" file's number in the JOIN statements. And you can refer to the field names in the field list by the according numbers with JREF, but these do not need to strictly follow the rigid "distinct numbers required" in the respective JOIN sections.

(For my particular application I can't translate my SQL to an LF, because I want to sort the result by fields which are spread over the multiple join PFs. But key fields are required to be in the primary file.)

Thanks to all who pointed me in the right direction. Knowing what to look for makes the whole RTFM process that much more efficient.

You're most welcome!

:wq! PoC

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