Raz-lee (https://razlee.com/isecurity-auditing-solutions/)
has a utility called Audit and a utility called Capture that do just that.
I have toyed with both, Work great.

my 2 cnts

date: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 14:53:29 -0400
from: Gavin Inman <midrangelist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: How to see who has signed onto an IBM i and what they are
doing afterwards?

Are you trying to track admin's?

The only 100% sure way I know to see what a user has done afterwards,
(short of writing your own solution), is to use Powertech Authority
Broker (Now owned by Help Systems).

I used to work at a company where I implemented this.? The product
tracks and stores screen by screen pictures of everything the user
does.? You can run a report and see every screen the user saw..

It's not cheap, but it works.

Gavin Inman

On 9/13/2024 12:40 PM, Thomas Burrows wrote:

Is there a way to see who has signed onto an IBM i and what they are doing

Maybe some history files out there somewhere?

Thomas in Texas

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