Dare I say? HATS off?

On Thu, 12 Sep, 2024 at 3:21 PM, James H. H. Lampert via MIDRANGE-L <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

To: midrange systems technical discussion
Cc: jamesl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
On 9/12/24 1:06 PM, Charles Wilt wrote:
Basically a way to webify a 5250 application...

Thanks, Messrs. Wilt and Inman. I've passed on both of your links.
Definitely not something I've ever used.

Ironically, I have a connection with another HATS: Back when I was in
high school, it was the name (acronym of Huntington Area Timeshare
System) of the district-wide student timeshare system (McGill University
MUSIC 2.3, on a 370/135, with ASCII terminals (everything but the
dedicated console, which was 3270 data stream) running through a
front-end processor called a CC8, as I recall).


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