HI Jerry,

Would you be able to share a redacted version as an example ?



From: "Jerry Draper" <midrangel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Midrange Systems Technical Discussion"
Date: 06/09/2024 02:36 AM
Subject: Re: Saving to Azure blob
Sent by: "MIDRANGE-L" <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

We do this extensively using sFTP called from automated CL jobs.

The sFTP is wrapped inside a Python pgm using pExpect (see Scott
Klement's www).


On 9/5/2024 1:10 AM, Don Brown via MIDRANGE-L wrote:
I have a client that would like to save some specific data to an Azure
blob from IBMi

I did find one article that used NodeJS from a few years back but I
like to do it in RPG.

I have been going in circles reading the Microsoft documents that all
recommend using PowerShell scripts.

I thought I remembered a post from a year or so back but searching the
archive for Azure and blob is not finding what I thought.

Any links or suggestions would be very much appreciated.



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