we have.. nothing in there.

On 9/6/2024 11:36 AM, Justin Taylor wrote:

Have you checked the job log for the writer?

date: Thu, 5 Sep 2024 21:40:26 -0400

from: Gavin Inman<midrangelist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Why is the system putting my spooled file on Hold?

I have an interesting situation that is happening on only 1 out of about
50 remote output queues.
We have about Output queues on System A sending spooled files to System B.
The spooled files are in RLS status on system A, and they show up as RLS
status on System B for all of them, except 1.

We are scratching our heads as to what is different on this One Queue.

I looked at the Spooled Audit Log and found the QSPLJOB job is putting
it on Hold 2 seconds after it arrives on system B.
I don't know why.

Any Insight or ideas from the group?


Gavin Inman

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