Get the list from SQL and pass the list to a shell script or Python program.
Or do a find in the bash shell into a Db2 table and do a join of some sort in SQL with you control file.

From: MIDRANGE-L <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of K Crawford <kscx3ksc@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2024 9:16 AM
To: MIDRANGE-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <MIDRANGE-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: IFS_OBJECT_STATISTICS equivalent over mounted drive?

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I am trying to verify that folder names in a control file do exist on the
IFS/mounted drive.
I can use this SQL, and it appears to work over an IFS drive.
SELECT ftpdir, c.*
FROM myLibrary.myCtrlFile c
, '*ALLDIR'))
But my directory is a mounted drive. IFS_OBJECT_STATISTICS will not work
over mounted drives.
Do I have any other options?

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