
The late Albert York wrote a very nice API called "TNAPI" that allows you to "drive" TELNET sessions from any OS/400 job.   Since he passed away, his original web site is no longer active, but you can still find it on here: ;

and there is a (possibly older) copy of his TNAPI here: ;

Just page down until you see "Albert York" -- or download it here: ;

Even if you do not end up using TNAPI, studying the code will show you how to create your own custom "scripting" of TELNET sessions on IBM i.


Mark S. Waterbury

On Thursday, September 5, 2024 at 12:32:38 PM EDT, Rob Berendt <robertowenberendt@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I know of a few ways to script ftp.  One of the easy ways is
FTP ...

Can you do something like this with TELNET?

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