× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Dumb question: Are you IPLing more with the newer hardware?

Many migrations to new hardware are done using customized processes. While
IBM has good paths laid out for unloading/reloading to a new system often
people will decide to roll their own for a number of reasons:
- OS release on old hardware is not supported on new hardware
- They want to phase something in for testing the new hardware and are now
just copying the updated data.
- New system came with the OS already installed and they didn't want to
replace it.
- They just know better and feel that instructions are for the little

Often, when one uses these customized steps, certain things are lost in the
process. These may include customized system values, pool size settings,
subsystem settings, etc. This can cause issues, like when indexes are

On Thu, Aug 29, 2024 at 9:48 AM Aaron Kuckuk via MIDRANGE-L <
midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

We recently swapped out (upgraded) our hardware of our IBM.

Since then, when we IPL, we have jobs that "go nuts" and take up all the
CPU in the QUSRWRK Subsytem.
We have to ENDJOB *IMMED them. This continues for a few hours, but
after few hours later, this phenomenon stop happening.
These QUSRWKR jobs are created when other systems run SQL over the

We are almost positive this is due to the system deleting temporary file
indexes when the IPL happens.

We are perplexed as to why did this start happening with the new
hardware? Is anyone aware of a system setting or some other place that
cause indexes NOT to be deleted as part of an IPL?

We know we can solve this by creation of permanent indexes. However, we
have users writing their own queries at any time so we really don't have a
way to prevent someone from writing a poorly written query that would just
cause this to re-occur.

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