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all outlined in the memo to users.

*public now *exclude, previously was *use you should look to see who/where it is used prior to PTF apply.

also a parameter default change if you use db2mirror(i think)


Rob Berendt wrote on 6/24/2024 2:13 PM:
It seems a little vague but I'm trying to figure out what the issue is, and
how they fixed it.

Does anyone have any information they'd wish to share?
Did IBM add another entry in WRKFCNUSG that went full on Microsoft on us
and asks us "are you sure?" that we'd like the ability for QSECOFR to run

Was the concern that someone with minimal security could add a trigger that
would detect when someone with *ALLOBJ and *SECADM updated a file and have
Probably a good reason not to run regular programs with a user with
elevated privileges.

According to the link. you need to apply the latest DB2 group ptf to patch
it. That's a wee bit more disruptive than many other PTFs.

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