× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Thanks Birgitta. I ignored it's yours, I was given it to test it and use
it in a program.
I think I'll take the other way you say here.

Always in debt with you!


El sáb, 17 ago 2024 a las 3:41, Birgitta Hauser (<Hauser@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>)

This is an older version from an example I used to show some of my
I'm quite sure that I had in the slides that GET_CLOB_FROM_FILE,
executed under commitment control.
These functions return a LOB-Locator which is a kind of pointer that can be
used in SQL. A LOB Locator only points to the data and does not copy the
... and like any pointer a LOB Locator has to be freed. And LOB Locators
are/can be freed with COMMIT and ROLLBACK.

Instead of using the GET_CLOB_FROM_FILE function, you may use the IFS_READ
or IFS_READ_UTF8 Function.
When using this functions there is no need to run under commitment

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Birgitta Hauser
Modernization – Education – Consulting on IBM i
Database and Software Architect
IBM Champion since 2020

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"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance." (Derek Bok)
"What is worse than training your staff and losing them? Not training them
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-----Original Message-----
From: MIDRANGE-L <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, 16 August 2024 21:42
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Weird COMMIT <> *NONE required in query

I am trying to run this query using iACS:

With x as (
*-- Split IFS File into Rows (at CRLF)* Select Ordinal_Position
RowKey, Element as RowInfo
from Table(SysTools.Split(*Get_Clob_From_File*(
'/myfolder/EmailReceived.csv'), x'0D25')) a
Where *Trim*(Element) > '|'),
y as (
*-- Split IFS File Rows into Columns (and remove leading/trailing double
quotes ")*
Select x.*, Ordinal_Position ColKey,
*Trim*(B '"' from Element) as ColInfo
from x cross join Table(SysTools.Split(RowInfo, '|')) a)

*-- Return the Result as Table*Select RowKey,
*Min*(Case When ColKey = *1* Then ColInfo End) as From,
*Min*(Case When ColKey = *2* Then ColInfo End) as To,
*Min*(Case When ColKey = *3* Then ColInfo End) as CC,
*Min*(Case When ColKey = *4* Then ColInfo End) as Reply,
*Min*(Case When ColKey = *5* Then ColInfo End) as Subject,
*Min*(Case When ColKey = *6* Then ColInfo End) as SendDate,
*Min*(Case When ColKey = *7* Then ColInfo End) as Content,
*Min*(Case When ColKey = *7* Then ColInfo End) as Body
From y
Where RowKey > *1*
*-- Remove header*Group By RowKey;

The .csv file has the pipe character as field separator, and the header
is as follows:


There is sample contents in the .csv that I won't need to show.
The thing is that I am getting this SQL error:

Message: [SQL0443] LOB and XML locators are not allowed with COMMIT(*NONE).
Cause . . . . . : Either a trigger program, external procedure, or
external function detected and returned an error to SQL. If the error
occurred in a trigger program, the trigger was on table QDBSSUDF2 in schema
QSYS. If the error occurred in an external procedure or function, the
external name is QDBSSUDF2 in schema QSYS. The associated text is LOB and
XML locators are not allowed with COMMIT(*NONE).. If the error occurred in
a trigger program, the associated text is the type of trigger program. If
the error occurred in an external function, the associated text is the text
of the error message returned from the external function. Recovery . . . :
Refer to the joblog for more information regarding the detected error.
Correct the error and try the request again.

Can someone please explain why is this? I am not using updates or deletes.
LOB and XML locators are not allowed with COMMIT(*NONE)????

What is that? FCS!

Thanks in advance.

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